
  1. Ubuntu Server
  2. SSH Access to Server


Install the required packages using apt-get utility.

apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-dev php5-gd php5-mysql subversion,nano imagemagick,ghostscript antiword xpdf libav-tools postfix libimage-exiftool-perl cron wget


Move to the documentroot and download resourcespace application.

cd /var/www/html

sudo svn co

cd resourcespace


Create a directory filestore to store the files and give write permission.

mkdir filestore

chmod 777 filestore

Modify PHP parameters to meet the minimum requirement. Update /etc/php.ini with the following values.

memory_limit = 200M
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M

Restart apache service for the changes to take into effect.

service apache2 restart

Database Creation:

Login to mysql prompt and create a database for resourcespace application.

create database <yourdatabase>

Create a user and provide a privileges to the database.

grant all privileges on <yourdatabase>.* to <mysqldbuser>@'localhost' identified by '<your password>'

Application Installation:

Access the application in the browser.

http://<YOUR IP ADDRESS> or http://<Your Domain Name>

Mention the DB details at the time of installation

Setup Admin login details

Complete the installation.

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