Send notification when alter, create table event occurs on mysql
Consider scenario on large production system, when a new table is created or an alter table is triggered then we may need to notify few users. We came across a same scenario when the table schema or new table created, we need to notify few users.
- Mysql general query log is enabled and the path is /var/lib/mysql/mysql-general.log. If not enabled, please enable. If the path is different, modify the script accordingly.
#!/usr/bin/python import re,os,time from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from subprocess import Popen, PIPE pa1=re.compile("alter table") pa2=re.compile("create table") os.system('touch /tmp/output') fopen=open("/var/lib/mysql/mysql-general.log","r"); for log in fopen.readlines(): columns=log.split('\t') if "show create table" in columns[-1].lower(): continue if pa1.pattern in columns[-1].lower() or pa2.pattern in (columns[-1].lower()): columns=log.split('\t') output=open('/tmp/output','a+') output.write("\n-------------------") output.write("\n*%s" %(columns[-1])) output.write("-------------------") output.close() fopen.close(); if (os.stat("/tmp/output").st_size != 0): with file('/tmp/output','r') as original: with file('/tmp/output','w') as modified: modified.write("Below Alter/Create Queries have been Run\n" +time.strftime("%c") + data) so=open('/tmp/output','r') mysqlaudit=MIMEText(; mysqlaudit["From"] = "mysqlauditreport@domain.tld" mysqlaudit["To"] = "user@domain.tld" mysqlaudit["Subject"] = "Mysql Audit Report" p = Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t", "-oi"], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(mysqlaudit.as_string()) so.close() os.remove('/tmp/output');