The site is asking for user name and password while browsing [Windows]
To resolve the issue, please do the following:
Login into Windows through Remote Desktop and go to IIS manager, right click on the site in IIS experiencing this issue and select click properties. Left click Directory Security, click EDIT under Authentication and access control.
Enable anonymous access should be ticked.
Intergrated windows authentication should be ticked.
Update the password to be the same as the FTP password for this account in plesk.
The anonymous username should look like this:
where, ftpusername should be replaced with the actual ftp username used for this domain.
Click OK and the click apply.
NOTE: you might also need to reset the password for the above user.
You can synchronize them using a Plesk utility:
# “%plesk_bin%\websrvmng.exe” –update-anon-password –domain-name=domain.tld
Ragul ganesh.N