Hooks are used in React to manage states and other features without class components. It can be used to separate the logic from the code to make it simpler and available to reuse across the components. Some commonly used React Hooks are useState, useEffect, useContext which serves different purposes. In… Continue Reading Creating custom hooks in React Js

MUI Toolpad is a development framework built around Material UI, a popular react component library. Using MUI Toolpad, we can easily develop UI components and include most of the MUI features which are inbuilt. Key Features How to Get Started? Follow the below steps to integrate MUI Toolpad in an… Continue Reading Exploring MUI ToolPad : Simplify App Development

In General, for every webpages that contains data in a list allows search functionality. During every Search, the data needs to be fetch based on the search query provided. Usually data is fetched from backend during the API call and it will be displayed in the frontend. When pagination is… Continue Reading Search Functionality in Backend along with Pagination

Developing a web application includes various functions performed by triggering the API from the user interface. There are some scenarios where the functions need to be performed at regular intervals without any trigger from UI or API. Cron job is specifically used for performing such functions that are scheduled to… Continue Reading Using Cron Job in Node.js

As we are handling data in different formats throughout the internet, we should be aware of the kind of value the data variable can hold and type of operations that can be performed on it. This is called its Data type. Data Model on the other hand describes about the… Continue Reading Data Types and Data Model in MongoDB

Nowadays a large number of data is being transmitted over the internet and hence it needs to be secured in a way that no third party can access the sensitive information. To achieve this, JWT(JSON Web Token) is mainly used for securing the transmitted information between parties as a JSON… Continue Reading How to secure APIs using JWT Authentication

Creating Node project with Express, MongoDB, Typescript & GraphQL involves several steps. Lets discuss them in detail as follows:Prerequisites:Before getting into the steps to create a node project, let’s make sure the system is installed with node , VS Code, and Mongo DB softwares.Step 1 : Create the server folder… Continue Reading 1. Building a Project with NodeJs, Typescript, Express, GraphQL and MongoDB

System Design – Tools & techniques must be considered to visualize the system architecture and also to optimize, validate and ensure its robustness while starting with system analysis.Some of the recent tools & techniques given below are available in a wider range. UML:UML stands for Unified Modelling Language and it… Continue Reading System Design Tools & Techniques

System design is the process of defining the architecture, interfaces, and data for a system that satisfies particular requirements. Once we have these information, we can identify technical specifications to implement the planned design.In simple words, we can define system design as a technical solution to our requirements. Steps in… Continue Reading Introduction to System Design

In Node.Js applications, we can perform email functionality with the use of “nodemailer” library. Nodemailer:It is a comprehensive email module for Node.js, which makes it easy to send emails from your Node.js application. It supports HTML content, attachments, different transport methods (like SMTP, sendmail, etc.), and more. Transporter:Transporter is an… Continue Reading Email Functionality in Node.Js Application: