The WordPress website will not be loading fine.

Check the following factors to resolve the issue.

1. If you are getting a database connection problem, then go to wp-config.php file and gather the information about the database settings and the database user login details.

Cross check whether the login credentials are working fine or not.

2. Secondly ensure that you have given the appropriate privileges to the assigned database user.

3. You can check whether the SiteURL defined for the WordPress is set correctly. You can edit the SiteURL by accessing the WordPress admin panel. You can also change it by using MySQL command prompt.

>> Use the following command to change the SiteURL:


update wp_options set option_value = ‘’ where option_name = ‘siteurl’;
4. Regardless of the above mentioned reasons, the site will not be loading if some of the Plugins or Themes of the WordPress are not compatible with the current version of the WordPress installed.
In this case, you can disable that particular Plugin/Theme to resolve the issue. :) 

Have a Nice Day 🙂

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