
In React Js, Data can be exported to excel sheet for our reference. There are many libraries to perform this function. Here exporting data through exceljs library is explained.


  1. Install exceljs library.
  2. Install file-saver.


Step 1:

Install the libraries.

npm install exceljs
npm install file-saver

Step 2:

Import them in the required files.

import ExcelJS from ‘exceljs’;

import { saveAs } from ‘file-saver’;

Step 3:

We have to create an excel workbook in the required name and add the excel sheet to it. 

  const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();

        const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet(‘Booking Report’);

To apply special styling to the header row:

 const headerRow = worksheet.addRow(Object.keys(dataSource[0]));

//dataSource has the data that needs to be exported

    headerRow.height = 50; // Set the desired row height for the header row

    headerRow.eachCell((cell) => {

      cell.fill = {

        type: ‘pattern’,

        pattern: ‘solid’,

        fgColor: { argb: ‘C6E2FF’ }


      cell.font = {

        bold: true


      cell.alignment = {

        vertical: ‘middle’, // Align text vertically to the middle

        horizontal: ‘center’ // Align text horizontally to the center



To apply multi line formatting:

dataSource.forEach((row) => {

          const newRow = worksheet.addRow(Object.values(row));

          // Loop through cells in the new row and apply multi line formatting

          newRow.eachCell((cell) => {

            cell.alignment = {

              wrapText: true,

              vertical: ‘top’,

              horizontal: ‘left’




To apply column width separately:

 // Set First column widths

        worksheet.getColumn(1).width = 10;

        // Set width of other columns to 30

        for (let i = 2; i <= headerRow.cellCount; i++) {

          worksheet.getColumn(i).width = 30;


Final Step to save the workbook:

       const blobPromise = workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer();

        blobPromise.then((buffer) => {

          const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: ‘application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet’ });

          saveAs(blob, ‘Booking-Report.xlsx’);


const exceldata =,index) => {

        let travelInfo = “”;

        if (obj.pickup_type === “1”) {

            travelInfo = `Pickup Airport Name: ${obj.airport_name}\nDrop Location: ${obj.destination}\nFlight Number: ${obj.flight_number}`;

        } else if (obj.pickup_type === “2”) {

            travelInfo = `Pickup Location: ${obj.destination}\nDrop Airport Name: ${obj.airport_name}\nFlight Number: ${obj.flight_number}`;

        } else if (obj.pickup_type === “3” || obj.pickup_type === “4” || obj.pickup_type === “5”) {

            travelInfo = `Pickup Location: ${obj.pickup_location}\nDrop Location: ${obj.dropoff_location}`;


        return {

          “Sr. No”: index+1,

          “Booking ID”: obj.booking_id,

          “Booking Date & Time”: obj.booking_date,

          “Booking Info”:`Passenger Seat: ${}\nBaby Seat: ${obj.number_of_passengers.child}\nLuggage: ${obj.number_of_luggage}`,

          “Travel Info”:travelInfo,

          “Assign Driver”: `${obj.confirmation_status === 2  ? obj.driver_name : ”}\n${obj.confirmation_status === 2 ? “+65″+getDriverDetails(obj.driver_id) : ”}${obj.confirmation_status === 2 ?”\nCar Plate No:”+getDriverDetails1(obj.driver_id) : ”}`,


Download function will be:

 <button type=”button” onClick={() => handleDownloadExcel(exceldata)}>

  Export Excel                                                    </button>

    const handleDownloadExcel = (dataSource) => {

      try {

        const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();

        const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet(‘Booking Report’);

        const headerRow = worksheet.addRow(Object.keys(dataSource[0]));

    headerRow.height = 50; 

    headerRow.eachCell((cell) => {

      cell.fill = {

        type: ‘pattern’,

        pattern: ‘solid’,

        fgColor: { argb: ‘C6E2FF’ }


      cell.font = {

        bold: true


      cell.alignment = {

        vertical: ‘middle’, // Align text vertically to the middle

        horizontal: ‘center’ // Align text horizontally to the center



        dataSource.forEach((row) => {

          const newRow = worksheet.addRow(Object.values(row));

         newRow.eachCell((cell) => {

            cell.alignment = {

              wrapText: true,

              vertical: ‘top’,

              horizontal: ‘left’




        worksheet.getColumn(1).width = 10;

        for (let i = 2; i <= headerRow.cellCount; i++) {

          worksheet.getColumn(i).width = 30;


        const blobPromise = workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer();

        blobPromise.then((buffer) => {

          const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: ‘application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet’ });

          saveAs(blob, ‘Booking-Report.xlsx’);


      } catch (error) {

        console.error(‘Error generating Excel:’, error);



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