Hardening the linux server or cenos 5/6.2
SPRI (Priority Scheduler)
cd /root/
wget http://www.rfxn.com/downloads/spri-current.tar.gz
tar xvfz spri-*.tar.gz
cd spri-*
spri -v
PRM (Process Resource Monitor)
cd /root
wget http://www.rfxn.com/downloads/prm-current.tar.gz
tar xvfz prm-*.tar.gz
cd prm-*
prm -j
Temporary Directory Hardening
/bin/cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
Use df to check if a /tmp partition is already present.
[if no /tmp partition present]
cd /usr
dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/tmpMnt bs=1024 count=2000000
mke2fs -j /usr/tmpMntcd /Â
cp -R /tmp /tmp_backupÂ
mount -o loop,noexec,nosuid,rw /usr/tmpMnt /tmpÂ
chmod 0777 /tmpÂ
/bin/cp -R /tmp_backup/* /tmp/Â
rm -rf /tmp_backupÂ
nano -w /etc/fstabÂ
At the very bottom addÂ
/usr/tmpMnt /tmp ext3 loop,noexec,nosuid,rw 0 0
nano -w /etc/fstab
change “defaults†to loop,noexec,nosuid,rw
mount /tmp
rm -rf /var/tmp
ln -s /tmp /var/tmp
If a symlink is not possible, then /var/tmp is most likely also a partition. In this case, /var/tmp must be hardened with loop,noexec,nosuid,rw in fstab as well.
IF /tmp is hardened by cpanel’s /scripts/securetmp. Remove the line from /etc/rc.d/rc.local and then reboot. It will come back without a /tmp partition and then you can follow the instructions above
SSH Server Hardening
nano -w /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Uncomment #Protocol 2, 1
Change to Protocol 2
Append these lines to the bottom:
LoginGraceTime 120Â
IgnoreRhosts yesÂ
X11Forwarding noÂ
If he already has an su user, good. If not:
REPLACE XXX with 3 numbersgroupadd anyuserxxx
useradd anyuserXXX –ganyuserXXX
passwd anyuserXXX
type password
nano -w /etc/group
Search for wheel, then append “anyuserxxxâ€Â
So it should be “root,anyuserXXXâ€
nano -w /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no (and uncomment)
At the bottom add
AllowUsers anyuserXXX
cd /root/
wget ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/chkrootkit.tar.gz
mv chkrootkit.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
cd /usr/local/src/
tar -zxf chkrootkit.tar.gz
cd /usr/local/src/chkrootkit*
make sense
cd /root
mv /usr/local/src/chkrootkit* /usr/local/chkrootkit
cd /etc/cron.weekly
Code: Select all
/usr/local/chkrootkit/chkrootkit -q | mail -s “ChrootKit Scan Report – $(hostname)” $EMAIL
chmod 755 /etc/cron.weekly/chkrootkit.sh
cd /root
wget http://space.dl.sourceforge.net/project/rkhunter/rkhunter/1.3.8/rkhunter-1.3.8.tar.gz
wget http://space.dl.sourceforge.net/project/rkhunter/rkhunter/1.3.8/rkhunter-1.3.8.tar.gz
tar -zxf rkhunter-1.3.4.tar.gz
cd rkhunter*
./installer.sh –layout default –install
cd /etc/cron.weekly
Code: Select all
rkhunter  -c –sk –summary -q |  mail -s “Rkhunter Scan Report – $(hostname)” $EMAIL
Installing CSF firewall
wget http://www.configserver.com/free/csf.tgz
cd csf
perl /etc/csf/csftest.pl