How to Increase Disk Space Size of the container in OpenVZ
How to Increase Disk Space Size of the container in OpenVZ
Date: 28-11-2020
Step 1: Check the list of all running containers by using the below command.#vzlist
Step 2: Run the following command to increase the disk space.
#vzctl set CTID --diskspace SoftLimit:HardLimit --save
Note:- CTID — Container Id number. You want to increase the disk space for which container and you can get this number from vzlist.
SoftLimit:HardLimit – Required Disk space. For example, you want to increase to 50GB for container id 109. You can use below command.#vzctl set 109 --diskspace 50G:49G --save
Step 3: You can verify the disk space by using the below command.
#vzctl exec CTID df -h
Thank you!