Moving WordPress Media To Amazon CloudFront and S3
Posted Date:20-07-2017
In this post we will explain moving wordpress media to amazon cloudfront and S3.
step 1: Install the following plugins on wordpress.
step 2: To configure Amazon Web Services account here and create the new user in aws console.
step 3: To create the aws s3 bucket for your domain and create the new users in aws and copy the awsAccess Key ID and Secret Access Key.
step 4: Login into your server, configure the aws user using following command.
aws configure
step 5:Go to your wordpress site upload folder and run the following command.
aws s3 sync . s3://bucket-name/folder
step 6: In the root folder you can create new file name as aws-cdn-script.php using following code.
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); /* ====================================================== This script is NOT FULLY TESTED (not tested on Windows Server either) USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - development environment Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3 LTS The purpose of this script is for small websites and blogs to have their existing media to work through Amazon S3 There's a great plugin, WP Offload S3, that we'll be tapping works great for new media, but this is a quick fix for EXISTING media - media added before you start using WP Offload S3. This script is not fully tested, but should be useful for most situations. It does create a backup of your database, though it's not tested to work 100% in all hosting scenarios. Put this file in your WordPress root directory, where wp-config.php is. You must also already have these 2 plugins installed and configured: - - TURN OFF CACHING if you have it on your site. Re-enable it after everything is done. ====================================================== STEPS 1) Manually upload all of your existing /wp-content/uploads/ files to the Amazon S3 bucket (the bucket you configured WP Offload S3 to use for new images) 2) Add and configure plugins (the 2 listed above) 3) Run this script from the root directory of your WordPress site ====================================================== Developer: TJ Nevis Website:, More Info: Last Updated: 04/19/2016 ====================================================== */ require_once 'wp-config.php'; require_once 'wp-content/plugins/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/wordpress-s3.php'; global $table_prefix; echo '<h1>Move Existing Media to Amazon S3</h1>'; echo '<h3>By TJ Nevis [<a href="" target="_blank"></a>] Detailed blog post <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></h3>'; /* ====================================================== First step, we're going to back up the database and save it in the the root directory of your site (where this file is) ====================================================== */ $dbHost = $wpdb->dbhost; $dbName = $wpdb->dbname; $dbPassword = $wpdb->dbpassword; $dbSaveFileLocation = dirname(__FILE__) . '/backup-' . date('Y-m-d-h:i:s', time()) . '.sql'; $dbUser = $wpdb->dbuser; exec("mysqldump --user=$dbUser --password=$dbPassword --host=$dbHost $dbName > $dbSaveFileLocation"); /* ====================================================== Let's get set up with by grabbing WP Offload S3 values ====================================================== */ amazon_web_services_require_files(); // Thanks k0nG $aws = new Amazon_Web_Services( __FILE__ ); // Thanks k0nG $awsS3 = new Amazon_S3_And_CloudFront(__FILE__, $aws); // Thanks k0nG $bucket = ( !empty( $awsS3->get_setting('cloudfront') ) ) ? $awsS3->get_setting('cloudfront') : $awsS3->get_setting('bucket'); // If you're using a CDN and the setting is saved, use that for CloudFront URL replcaement, otherwise use the S3 bucket name $region = $awsS3->get_setting('region'); // Thanks k0nG $folderPrefix = $awsS3->get_setting('object-prefix'); /* ====================================================== Check if the user is requesting to remove the existing media updates ====================================================== */ if( isset($_GET['remove']) && $_GET['remove'] ) { // ?removeS3Update=true if( $dbConnection = mysqli_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName) ) { $removeAmazonS3Info = "DELETE FROM " . $table_prefix . "postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'amazonS3_info';"; $reversePostContentHref = updatePostContent( 'href', $table_prefix . 'posts', get_site_url( $wpdb->blogid ) . '/' . $folderPrefix, "https://$$folderPrefix", true ); $reversePostContentSrc = updatePostContent( 'src', $table_prefix . 'posts', get_site_url( $wpdb->blogid ) . '/' . $folderPrefix, "https://$$folderPrefix", true ); echo 'RUNNING COMMAND: ' . $removeAmazonS3Info . ' - '; if( $dbConnection->query($removeAmazonS3Info) ) { echo ' <strong>TRUE, ' . $dbConnection->affected_rows . ' rows affected</strong><br />'; } echo 'RUNNING COMMAND: ' . $reversePostContentHref . ' - '; if( $dbConnection->query($reversePostContentHref) ) { echo ' <strong>TRUE, ' . $dbConnection->affected_rows . ' rows affected</strong><br />'; } echo 'RUNNING COMMAND: ' . $reversePostContentSrc . ' - '; if( $dbConnection->query($reversePostContentSrc) ) { echo ' <strong>TRUE, ' . $dbConnection->affected_rows . ' rows affected</strong><br />'; } } echo '<h3>DONE with removing records for WP Offload S3 - reverted back to serving from the local server</h3>'; exit(); // Don't do the rest of the script } /* ====================================================== Start fresh, delete data thatis from WP Offload S3 ====================================================== */ $wpdb->delete($table_prefix . 'postmeta', array( 'meta_key' => 'amazonS3_info' ) ); /* ====================================================== Grab the attachments from the database, we'll need the meta_value (image name), and the post ID it's related to ====================================================== */ $picturesToUpdate = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $table_prefix . "postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'"); foreach($picturesToUpdate as $picture) { $pictureMetaData = serialize(array( 'bucket' => $bucket, 'key' => $folderPrefix . $picture->meta_value, 'region' => $region // Thanks k0nG )); /* ====================================================== Now let's insert the record that WP Offload S3 looks for to change the image URL to your S3 URL ====================================================== */ $wpdb->insert($table_prefix . 'postmeta', array( 'post_id' => $picture->post_id, 'meta_key' => 'amazonS3_info', 'meta_value' => $pictureMetaData ) ); } if( $dbConnection = mysqli_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName) ) { $hrefMySQLUpdate = updatePostContent( 'href', $table_prefix . 'posts', get_site_url( $wpdb->blogid ) . '/' . $folderPrefix, "https://$$folderPrefix" ); $srcMySQLUpdate = updatePostContent( 'src', $table_prefix . 'posts', get_site_url( $wpdb->blogid ) . '/' . $folderPrefix, "https://$$folderPrefix" ); echo 'RUNNING COMMAND: ' . $hrefMySQLUpdate . ' - '; if( $dbConnection->query($hrefMySQLUpdate) ) { echo ' <strong>TRUE, ' . $dbConnection->affected_rows . ' rows affected</strong><br />'; } echo 'RUNNING COMMAND: ' . $srcMySQLUpdate . ' - '; if( $dbConnection->query($srcMySQLUpdate) ) { echo ' <strong>TRUE, ' . $dbConnection->affected_rows . ' rows affected</strong><br />'; } } echo '<h3>DONE with adding records for WP Offload S3 to recognize the image on S3</h3>'; function updatePostContent($type, $table, $blog, $s3bucket, $reverse = FALSE) { // $reverse is to remove the post_content updates and put them back to serving locally $from = ( !$reverse ) ? $blog : $s3bucket; $to = ( !$reverse ) ? $s3bucket : $blog; return "UPDATE $table SET post_content = replace(post_content, '$type=\"$from', '$type=\"$to');"; } ?>
step 7: In the url you can access this page like and after execution automatically file will removed.
Awesome- I know this is form 3 years ago, and wnat to give it a try. The only thing I am hesitant of is that WP S3 offloader (Offload media lite) plugin is giving it an extra subdirectory when moving them:
It is adding the “12220703” above.
Any observations about this?
Thank you by the way!
Jon Q
Never mind- just noticed it is an “object versioning” timestamp feature of the plugin to help the cdn keep track of the latest.
So, if we have object versioning ON this might not be optimal?