>> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at smtpgate2.pacific.net.sg.>> I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following >> addresses.>> This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.>>>> :>> Connected to but greeting failed.>> Remote host said: 554 5.7.2 Service denied,… Continue Reading Remote host said: 554 5.7.2 Service denied, closing transmission channel

How to check if the server is hacked or not? These are the simple steps to check if your server got hacked or free from hack. security – Check your server is hacked or notSteps to investigate hacked linux server Steps to investigate hacked linux server Check your server is… Continue Reading Check if the server is hacked or not

How to install Zend module via RPM? These are the steps to install zend module via RPM. 1) Downloadrpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpmorrpm -Uvh http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-5.rpm2)Install Zend Framework 1.11.3yum –enablerepo=remi install php-ZendFramework3)Install Zend Framework Full setupyum –enablerepo=remi install php-ZendFramework* –exclude php-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Oracle4)Custom setupyum –enablerepo=remi install php-ZendFramework \ php-ZendFramework-Cache-Backend-Memcached php-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Mysqli \ php-ZendFramework-Dojo php-ZendFramework-Feed \ php-ZendFramework-Gdata… Continue Reading Install Zend module via RPM

How to remove the IP address from cPHulk bruteforce attack via cPanel database? ——— This account is currently locked out because a brute force attempt was detected. Please wait 10 minutes and try again. Attempting to login again will only increase this delay. If you frequently experience this problem, we… Continue Reading cPHulk bruteforce attack + remove IP address from database

How to detect spammers in exim server cPanel?? In cPanel server exim stats is one of the useful command to find all the information you need were many do not use the command to detect the spammers. Here is the command to detect the spammers via exim stat. You can… Continue Reading cpanel spamers

To turn off cache, you need to do two things: Global Configuration–> System–>Cache Settings–>CachePlease select ‘No’; Extensions–>Plugin Manager–>System – Cache Please disable the plugin-“System-Cache” .

To change the Administrator password in Windows Server 2003, please follow the steps given below. ===1. Log on to the computer using the Administrator account. 2. Click Start, right-click Administrative Tools, and then click Open. Administrative Tools opens. 3. Double-click Computer Management, click Local Users and Groups, and in the… Continue Reading Windows server 2003 Admin password change

Open meeting is a software that is used for web conferencing, online training. The following guidelines will show how to install openmeeting in your linux server. + First, we will have to check whether mysql is installed in the server or not. If it is installed then enable encoding mechanism… Continue Reading open meeting installation on linux servers

How to whitelist a domain in the ASSP spam filter? Also, how to whitelist a email account in the assp spam filter My cPanel server is running with ASSP spam filter. A domain is blacklisted in the ASSP spam filter. How to whitelist it? Also if I want to whitelist… Continue Reading Whitelist a domain in ASSP spam filter

When the two modules namely “mod_expires” and “mod_headers” has been enabled in the server, you can increase the access speed of your website by entering the following in your .htaccess. ===================== # BEGIN Compress text files SetOutputFilter DEFLATE # END Compress text files # BEGIN Expire headers ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault “access… Continue Reading Increase the access Speed of the site using .htaccess Cache