Setup Postfix with Mailgun for reliable E-Mail Delivery on Ubuntu Date: 24-08-2020 Install Postfix: Postfix is a mail transfer agent (MTA) which is the responsible software for delivering & receiving emails, it’s essential in order to create a complete mail server. Step 1: Login to the server by using ssh. As… Continue Reading Setup Postfix with Mailgun for reliable E-Mail Delivery on Ubuntu

How To Fix postfix delayed mail delivery Date posted : 31/05/2019 In this article, we’re going to explain about resolving the delayed mail deliveries. Postfix is a free and open-source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers electronic mail. For instance, we’ve faced issues where mails from our server to gmail was received successfully. However mails… Continue Reading How To Fix postfix delayed mail delivery

Date Posted:22-02-2017 Its a biggest challenge for a new mail server to reach popular mail provider user’s inbox. One of the best way is to sign the outgoing mail server using dkim. There are multiple ways to implement dkim signing. We are going to use opendkim as a service to… Continue Reading Dkim Setup on Postfix Mailserver – Centos 6/7

Sometimes, we need the mail logs to find out the reason why the mails has been bounced back. The following script will help you to find the same. Actually, this type of script needed for the server which is used for email marketing application.   As most of the email… Continue Reading Script to identify the reason for bounced back emails

How to tune the postfix in your server? The probably the best thing you could do is to write the logs to another syslog server as is done in this syslog.conf snippet. mail.* or if you can’t spare a machine for that, put dash in front of the filename.… Continue Reading Postfix Tuning and steps to tune the postfix in server

Testing Dovecot in Postfix or Verify Dovecot in Postfix One thing that you can do is run this command to verify it is listening on the correct port numbers: netstat -aunt This should show that Dovecot is listening on ports 143 and 110 for IMAP and POP3. Check if Dovecot… Continue Reading Testing Dovecot in Postfix or Verify Dovecot in Postfix

1. Install prerequisites=========== yum install sendmail-devel openssl-devel ===========2. Install OpenDKIM Download then extract OpenDKIM. Change to the extracted directory and run configure, make and then, as root, make install. =========== wget tar -zxf opendkim-2.4.2.tar.gz cd opendkim* ./configure make && make install =========== 3. Post install steps Create a Linux… Continue Reading Install DKIM in Postfix using openDKIM