Posted Date:27-07-2017 In this post we will explain show the accordion panels based on drop down values .   Step 1: Include jQuery  Plugin and css <source src=””></source> <source src=””></source> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=””> Step 2: Add the following script $(function() { var divs = $(‘#accordion > div’).hide(); $(document).on(‘change’, ‘#select_value’, function(e)… Continue Reading Show the accordion panels based on drop down values

Migrating email accounts from ajenti to vestacp Date Posted: 23-07-2017 Migrating emails between two control panel is tedious task because of mail format, permission issues, folder sync. Here this post explains on how to migrate email account from ajenti to vestacp panel. Assumption: Source server (Ajenti Control panel ) –… Continue Reading Migrating email accounts from ajenti to vestacp

DDOS Deflate installation on linux DDOS deflate is simple shell script used to block a denial of service attack on Linux Host. It uses netstat command to identify the number of connection from IP addresses and block the IP address if an IP address exceeds a threshold value. Prerequisites: Linux Host with… Continue Reading DDOS Deflate installation on linux

Installation Postgresql on Ubuntu 16: Date Posted: 21-07-2017 Postgresql is a database server which is similar to mysql. In this post, we will explain on how to install postgresql on ubuntu host Prerequisites: Ubuntu Host with root access. Implementation: Perform the update on the server apt-get update Install the postgresql… Continue Reading Install Postgresql on Ubuntu 16

Posted Date:11-07-2017 In this post we will explain confirm java-script form submit with displaying the form input values. Step 1: Include jQuery  Plugin <source src=””></source > Step 2:Create html form with input values using the following code <form name=”pendingrequest” id=”pendingrequest” action=”javascript:void(0)” method=”POST” > <table > <tr> <input type=”text” name=”rate1″> <input… Continue Reading Confirm javascript form submit

WordPress post xmlrpc.php attack Prevention Date Posted: 17-07-2017 This post explains on how to prevent xmlrpc.php attack on wordpress website. If we seen below error or continuous POST request to xmlrpc.php on access log will be best way to identify attack. 2017/07/17 06:25:46 [error] 14858#14858: *411668 connect() to unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock failed… Continue Reading WordPress post xmlrpc.php attack Prevention

Posted Date:11-07-2017 In this post we will explain PHP ternary operator. Example: In this example we are using if else condition <?php $a=16; if($a>18) { echo “Eligible For Vote”; } else { echo “Not Eligible For Vote”; } ?> In the above example $a value is greater than 18 eligible… Continue Reading PHP ternary operator

Install PHP with WebPI Open WebPI search for PHP Select required versions and click on Add Click on Install Accept the license Click Finish Installation path would be C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\%version To quickly verify its working, place info.php under docroot C:\inetpub\wwwroot.  You can verify it using http://localhost/info.php <?php phpinfo(); ?>

Download webPI from Install MySQL Launch the Web PI application by running the wpilauncher.exe file that you downloaded in the preceding section. In the Web Platform Installer window, search for MySQL in the search box. Select MySQL Windows 5.1 (or current version), click Add, and then click Install to start the… Continue Reading mysql installation on windows server 2012

Generate CSR  Start screen Open IIS Manager Click on server name From the center menu, double-click the “Server Certificates” button in the “IIS” section (it is in the middle of the menu). From the “Actions” menu (on the right), click on “Create Certificate Request…” This will open the Create Certificate… Continue Reading SSL installation on windows server 2012