Introduction Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that may be used as an alternative to Java for Android App Development.  Kotlin is an easy language so that you can create powerful applications immediately. Kotlin is much simpler for beginners to try as compared to Java, and this Kotlin Android Tutorial can… Continue Reading KOTLIN

Prerequisites : 1)Android Studio STEP 1 : Go to the Android Studio in your machine open the project and click on the build option in the top navbar STEP 2: Now click on the Generate signed App Bundle/APK to generate the APK STEP 3:Click on the APK and then click… Continue Reading How to generate APK in Android Studio

Prerequisites : 1)VS Code 2)Android Studio STEP 1: To create the React native Project you should run the command in the new folder npx react-native init sampleproject this will create the whole project setup for running the helloworld STEP 2: After installing the android Studio it will show like the… Continue Reading How to setup React Native Project

Flutter widgets are the fundamental building blocks of a flutter app’s UI.They describe what their view should like given theor current configuration and are the some types of Widgets 1)Basic Widgets 2)Input Widgets 3)LAyout Widgets 4)Animation and Motion Widgets 5)Specialized Widgets 6)Custom Widgets Basic Widgets1) Container Widget The container… Continue Reading Flutter Widgets

What is Flutter?        It is an Open source UI toolkit which was developed by google in the year 2017. It is used for the developing application for android ios and even for windows. It is a single Code base Named DART Programming. It Provides a fast and… Continue Reading FLUTTER

BUTTON The Button component in React Native serves as a basic UI element for triggering actions or events when pressed. It provides developers with a simple and consistent way to incorporate user interactions into their applications. PROGRAM: import React from ‘react;import { View, Button, Alert } from ‘react-native’;const SampleButton =… Continue Reading REACT NATIVE USER INTERFACE

What is React Native? 1)React Native is an open-source framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. 2) It allows developers to use React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, to create native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. What is the Use of the React… Continue Reading React Native