How to create a database and the user for that database in cPanelThese are the steps to create a database and the user for that database in cPanel 1) Login to the cPanel 2) Go to “Databases” 3) Click on “MySQL Darabases” 4) Under “Create Database” 5) Enter the database name.… Continue Reading Create a database and the user for that database in cPanel

How to create an email account in cPanel?1) Login to your cPanel 2) Go to “Mail” 3) Select “Email accounts” 4) Now type the USERNAME alone. (By default domain name will be there. Just type username like admin, oryon, etc) 5) Enter or generate the password. 6) Click on “Create… Continue Reading How to create an email account in cPanel?

1) Login to the cPanel 2) Go to “Files” 3) Click on “Backup” 4) Under “Full Backup” option 5) Select “Download or Generate a Full Backup Website” 6) Click on “Generate Backup”Note: It will take some time to complete the full backup of your domain.

These are the steps to create a parked domain in cPanel.1) Login to your cPanel 2) Go to Domains. 3) Click on “Parked Domain” tab 4) Enter the domain name in “Create a Parked Domain” 5) Save it

Enabled “Auto Reload” option to 0 seconds. How to revert it?Kindly follow the steps below to disable the “Auto-reload” option in your webmail.1) login to your “Webmail” 2) You will be auto reloaded to “Horde” login page. 3) Now, click “back to one page”, in your browser like Firefox or… Continue Reading Enabled “Auto Reload” option to 0 seconds. How to revert it?

Enable Auto reload option in webmail/cPanel1) login to your “Webmail” 2) Check for the option “Auto Reload” below the default interface (i.e Horde, Squerrel mail) 3) Click on “Auto Reload” below the default interface 4) Give the seconds to reload that interface by default (e.g 5seconds)  

How to reset/change cPanel password?If you like to change/reset your cPanel password, kindly follow the steps below. ============= 1) Go to your cPanel login page. 2) Under “Password Reset” 3) Enter the “Username” of your account. 4) A reset e-mail will reach your registered email account ============= You can also… Continue Reading How to reset/change cPanel password?

Default email account configurationKindly follow the steps to configure the email client in the computer so that you can send/receive mails. ================ 1. Incoming/Outgoing mailserver: 2. Username: 3. Password: password of this email account 4. Outgoing mailserver port: 25 or 26 or 587 or 58700 5. Incoming mailserver… Continue Reading Default email account configuration

How to upload files in the cPanel? You can upload files in the cPanel by two methods, either using File manager or using FTP. I have given the steps below to upload files in the cPanel. 1) Login to the cPanel control panel. 2) Click on File Manager in cPanel… Continue Reading How to upload files in the cPanel?

How to install a new  cPAnel account in the server?Just follow the steps below to install the cPanel in your server or VPS. #mkdir /home/cpins #cd /home/cpins #wget #sh latest Thats it. The cPanel installation will be started. It will take 2-3 hours to install cPanel. Once the cPanel installation… Continue Reading How to install a new cPanel account in the server?