Introduction This document provides a step-by-step guide on creating a new user in Jenkins and configuring permissions for that user using the Matrix-based Authorization Strategy. As an admin, you have the authority to add and manage users in Jenkins, ensuring secure access and control over various aspects of the CI/CD… Continue Reading Jenkins User Creation and Permission Management Guide

IntroductionJenkins is an open-source automation server. It helps automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, facilitating continuous integration and continuous delivery Prerequisite1. A user with sudo privileges2. Jenkins console logins Implementation Step 1: Stop Jenkins service $ sudo service jenkins stop Step 2: Take Jenkins… Continue Reading How to upgrade Jenkins to 2.414

If you get the above error when you setup Jenkins job, please follow the below steps. There may be several reasons behind this error. One the reason may be if you don’t have git installed where you have jenkins server. To avoid this you can use the below given command.… Continue Reading Failed to connect to repository Error performing git command git ls-remote -h https github com jenikis hook git HEAD

If you want to schedule and run a job at a particular time then you can follow the below steps 1) Login to Jenkins 2) Goto the job you want schedule and click on configure. 3) Go down to the section of “build triggers” 4) Check Build periodically, you get… Continue Reading Schedule Job in Jenkins

No valid crumb was included in the request Date posted: 18-07-2018 When you work on Jenkins deployment, you might see “No valid crumb was included in the request” error. We can resolve this issue by disable CSRF protection. Fix:- Login to Jenkins  Goto Manage Jenkins >> Configure Global Security >> CSRF Protection… Continue Reading No valid crumb was included in the request | jenkins | Pheonixsolutions

Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 16 Date Posted: 02-07-2017 Jenkins is a deployment application tool which is used for continuous integration and deployment. In this post, we will explain on how to install jenkins on Ubuntu 16. Prerequisites: Ubuntu Host Allow Incoming port 8080. Implementation: Consider this is a fresh ubuntu server… Continue Reading Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 16