Introduction:TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, compiles to plain JavaScript, making it easily integrable into existing JavaScript applications.Features of TypeScript:1. Static Type Checking: if we define a variable with a string type, we can only reassign values of the string type. In general, JavaScript is a loosely typed or dynamically typed… Continue Reading TypeScript Basics

Introduction: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language used in various sectors. It is fastest growing programming language. It is not only used among software engineers but also among mathematicians, data analyst,scientist,accountants,etc.. It is very easy to learn and reduces number of lines of codes. Python can be treated in… Continue Reading Python – Basics

Introduction: Mysql is the latest release of the powerful MySQL database management system. To start installing the MySQL 8.0 server on CentOS 7, you must add the official MySQL community repository to your system. Run the following command. Prerequisite: 1. Server root login credentials. Step 1: Adding the MySQL Yum… Continue Reading How to install MySQL 8.0 on CentOS 7

Introduction The acronym CRUD is commonly used in software development to describe the four basic functions of a database: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These operations are fundamental to many applications. The CRUD apps consist of creating new data (Create operation), reading existing data (Read operation), updating an existing record… Continue Reading CRUD Operation

Introduction: Password management and policy enforcement are critical aspects of maintaining robust security on an Ubuntu Server 20.04. Establishing strong password policies helps safeguard against unauthorized access and security breaches. Step 1: Set an expiration date on a user’s passwordType chage -l username command to display the expiration date on a user’s… Continue Reading How to Manage passwords and password policies on Ubuntu server 20.04?

Introduction: If you’re having trouble accessing your server via SSH after a reboot, there are several common issues that you can check. Use the below steps to recover SSH access. Prerequisite: 1. Server root login credentials. Step 1: Please check the SSH service status. $ systemctl status ssh.service Step 2:… Continue Reading How to start the SSH service if it fails after rebooting the server

Introduction: Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) is a feature in Windows that allows developers to run Linux environment in windows machine. With the help of this feature, we can run linux in same system without the help of separate virtual machine or dual booting. This is supported by windows 10 and… Continue Reading How to Install UNIX Subsystem in Windows

Introduction: Logical Volume Management (LVM) is a powerful tool in Linux that allows for dynamic resizing and management of storage space. As data requirements grow, the need to extend Logical Volumes becomes common to accommodate increasing storage demands without disruption. Step 1: Check there is enough free space in the… Continue Reading How to Extend a Logical Volume?

Introduction: Redux is a library for managing state in a Predictable way in JavaScript applications. Redux is not tied to React, It can be used with React, Angular, Vue, or even vanilla javascript. Uses of Redux: Redux is used in JavaScript applications to simplify and centralize the management of application… Continue Reading Implementing Redux in React

In React Native text is used to display text inside screenIt allows text render inside a app various types of textual information is availableParagraphs, buttons, labels Example of Text : import { Text,View, StyleSheet } from ‘react-native’; const YourComponent = () => {return( <View style={styles.container}><Text>Hello, Text Is Here</Text> </View>); }… Continue Reading TEXT AND TEXTINPUT IN REACTNATIVE