Hello friends, I had an issue in restoring a database from backup in MSSQL. Finally after a long struggle i fixed the issue by executing the following query. ———- Use Master Alter Database databasenameSET SINGLE_USER With ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE RESTORE DATABASE databasename FROM DISK = ‘backup location’WITH REPLACE; Alter database databasenameSET… Continue Reading Query to Restore a database from backup in MSSQL

You can know the current version of the ionCube PHP loader by executing the following command. =========   php-v ========= You can get the latest version of ionCube PHP loader in the following url: =========  http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php========= You can know your OS platform version by executing the following command. =========  uname -i… Continue Reading Updating ionCube PHP loader to the latest version on cPanel

When you receive the error  “Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain” while removing the add-on domain, follow the steps below. 1. Remove the entries for the domain from the following files.==================== /var/cpanel/users/username Run Script — /scripts/updateuserdomains /var/named/domain.db /etc/named.conf /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf /etc/localdomains /etc/userdomains /etc/trueuserdomains /etc/trueuserowners /etc/valiases/domain.com /etc/vdomainaliases/domain.com… Continue Reading Unable to remove add-on domain from cPanel – Error from Park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain

* Nagios gives the detailed information about the services running in the server. For example, Number of processes, Number of Users, Disk capacity, etc. These Services are configured by us. * We have setup Nagios to show the Unknown, Critical and warning errors of various services. * The Errors are… Continue Reading Working of Nagios – Basic

To view the ports that are already opened in the server, execute the following command. netstat -plan |grep LISTEN Steps to open a new port in IP tables Before opening a port, you should be aware of why are you opening the port and what is the port being used… Continue Reading Steps to check the opened ports in IP tables

1. Using temporary URL. ———–———– But checking sites using this method has some limitations. Often sites won’t bedisplayed properly & sometimes database connection won’t be established. 2. Using temporary DNS We recommend this method as it is the best way to check your sites. To check whether your sites… Continue Reading Check the domain propagation via temporary URL and DNS method

You can download in any ways. I used ftp download– Syntax: wget -r ftp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IPADDRESS/.rvsitebuilder– wget -r ftp://hemanth:qweqwe@– All the rvsitebuilder files will be downloaded.

How to check if the SSL port is working or not openssl s_client -quiet -connect mail.thespirals.com:465 openssl s_client -quiet -connect mail.thespirals.com:993 openssl s_client -quiet -connect mail.thespirals.com:995

Do you want blind CC all incoming and outgoing emails from any domain to user@domain.com account? If that is the case, then I can tell you how to do it on a per domain basis: 1. To create a blind carbon copy, go to /etc/ and create a new file:… Continue Reading cPanel + exim + Forward outgoing mail to another mail

There is no mention of cleaning up the Exim db, not on the cPanel site or in any of their documentation. Most of you, like it did, will find lots and lots of junk e-mail messages sitting around in your Exim db that cannot be delivered to the recipient for… Continue Reading exim_tidyb