Install Phpmyadmin on Ajenti Control Panel
Install Phpmyadmin on Ajenti Control Panel
Date Posted:23-05-2017
Phpmyadmin is a open source php application used to manage mysql database server from webbrowser. In this post, we will explain on how to install phpmyadmin on Ajenti Control panel.
- Ajenti Control Panel
Incase if ajenti control panel is not installed follow the below links to install ajenti and ajentiv control panel.
Assume that we are going to use phpmyadmin.domain.tld to access phpmyadmin page and the domain should point to the server.
Create a new website on ajenti Control Panel.
Ajenti Panel > Web > Websites> Under New Website > Enter Name as ‘phpmyadmin.domain.tld’.
Click on Create.
Select the domain phpmyadmin.domain.tld > Manage
Under General Menu,
- Uncheck the option Maintenance mode
- Path : /var/www/html/phpmyadmin.domain.tld. Click on Create Directory
Under Domains Menu,
- Enter domain name: phpmyadmin.domain.tld
Under Contents Menu,
- Select Php FastCGI. Click on Create
Click on Apply Changes.
We setup environment to run the phpmyadmin application. Now, its time to download the phpmyadmin.
Login to the server and change the directory to domain documentroot.
cd /var/www/html/phpmyadmin.domain.tld
Download the phpmyadmin. We can download the latest version from
Extract the files on the documentroot
tar -xzf phpMyadmin*.zip
Create Database User:
Login to mysql prompt and create a database user which will have full privileges.
mysql > grant all privileges on *.* to dbuser@'localhost' identified by '<password>';
mysql > flush privileges;
Access the phpmyadmin page using the domain name http://phpmyadmin.domain.tld.