Introduction Beginning as a basic desire to enhance and edit personal images, photoshop has played a vital part in my life, developing into a powerful tool that now defines my career as a web designer. Photoshop has become an essential part of my process, helping me to realize abstract concepts… Continue Reading Why Photoshop

I. Introduction to JIRA and API A. What is JIRA? JIRA is a popular project management tool designed to help teams plan, track, and manage their work in an organized manner. It’s widely used across various sectors, particularly in software development, to keep everyone on the same page. B. Understanding… Continue Reading Transform Your Workflow: A Step-by-Step Guide to JIRA REST API Automation with Nodejs and AXIOS

Apollo Server is a tool that helps to create GraphQL APIs easily. It makes setting up a GraphQL server simple and fast, allowing to define how data is organized and accessed. Apollo server also has built-n support for handling errors and monitoring performance. Error handling in GraphQL with Apollo Server… Continue Reading Error Handling in GraphQL with Apollo Server

In our previous blog, we discussed front-end development is done using HTML,CSS and Javascript. In this blog, we will explore the fundamentals of Javascript and how it demands site functionality. Introduction: Javascript is basically created/developed to make “web pages alive”. The codes/programs in this language are called as “scripts”. They… Continue Reading Front-end Development – Javascript

What is Node JS and how it is built? Node JS is a javascript runtime environment built on a Chrome V8 JS engine. Earlier we could run JS only in the browser with the help of the JS Engine which is present inside the browser Ryan Dhal combined the V8… Continue Reading Node JS

Nowadays a large number of data is being transmitted over the internet and hence it needs to be secured in a way that no third party can access the sensitive information. To achieve this, JWT(JSON Web Token) is mainly used for securing the transmitted information between parties as a JSON… Continue Reading How to secure APIs using JWT Authentication

STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: php bin/magento setup:upgrade STEP 4: php bin/magento setup:static -content:deploy -f STEP 5: chmod -R 777 pub chmod -R 777 generated chmod-R 777 var chmod-R 777 app/etc STEP 6: php/bin magento cache:clean php/bin magento cache:flush STEP 7:

Magento stripe: Install magento 2 Stripe Extension: Step 1: Download magento 2 stripe extension and unzip it. Extension: Step 2: Have to upload the unzipped stripe extension files to this directory Applications/MAMP/htdocs/app/code/StripeIntegration/Payments Step 3: Commands to run the stripe payments: – Have to open the terminal, navigate to magento… Continue Reading How to set up and Install Stripe in Magento 2

Introduction Nagios, a widely used open-source monitoring system, provides robust tools to monitor the health of various IT services, including web services. By setting up website monitoring in Nagios, we can proactively detect issues, ensure uptime, and optimize performance. This guide will walk through the steps required to configure Nagios… Continue Reading How to set up the website monitoring on Nagios?

Introduction Terraform is one of the most popular Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool, used by DevOps teams to automate infrastructure tasks. It is used to automate the provisioning of your cloud resources. Terraform is an open-source, cloud-agnostic provisioning tool developed by HashiCorp and written in GO language. STEP 1: Create one EC2 instance… Continue Reading How to install and Create the AWS infrastructure using Terraform in Ubuntu 22.04