Default email account configurationKindly follow the steps to configure the email client in the computer so that you can send/receive mails. ================ 1. Incoming/Outgoing mailserver: 2. Username: 3. Password: password of this email account 4. Outgoing mailserver port: 25 or 26 or 587 or 58700 5. Incoming mailserver… Continue Reading Default email account configuration

How to configure email account in MAC machiane?Configuring the email account in MAC machine is quite easier. Just follow the instructions below to configure the email account in the MAC machine. 1. Open Mac Mail and then click File, Add Account…. 2. Enter the POP3 server assigned to you within… Continue Reading Configure email account in MAC machine

How to upload files in the cPanel? You can upload files in the cPanel by two methods, either using File manager or using FTP. I have given the steps below to upload files in the cPanel. 1) Login to the cPanel control panel. 2) Click on File Manager in cPanel… Continue Reading How to upload files in the cPanel?

How to install a new  cPAnel account in the server?Just follow the steps below to install the cPanel in your server or VPS. #mkdir /home/cpins #cd /home/cpins #wget #sh latest Thats it. The cPanel installation will be started. It will take 2-3 hours to install cPanel. Once the cPanel installation… Continue Reading How to install a new cPanel account in the server?

1. Install prerequisites=========== yum install sendmail-devel openssl-devel ===========2. Install OpenDKIM Download then extract OpenDKIM. Change to the extracted directory and run configure, make and then, as root, make install. =========== wget tar -zxf opendkim-2.4.2.tar.gz cd opendkim* ./configure make && make install =========== 3. Post install steps Create a Linux… Continue Reading Install DKIM in Postfix using openDKIM

For detailed troubleshooting on Spamming issue in cPanel servers, refer the following link. In this post, we have provided the script to identify accounts that is senting more mails in a day. ============== awk -v dt=$(date +”%Y-%m-%d” –date “$(date +”%F %T”) 1 days ago”) ‘$1~dt && $0~/ [UA]=/ &&  $0!~/U=(mailnull)/… Continue Reading Identfy spamming accounts in cPanel servers

Here, is the script that we used to take backup of all the MSSQL database present in the windows server. You would need to get the “Sa” password from any website web.config file.=============================== @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL REM Created By Dhanasekaran for /F “tokens=2-4 delims=/ ” %%A in (‘Date /T’) DO… Continue Reading Bacth script to take backup of all the database MSSQL

Hello, My customer said his webmail login page shows over quota error. When I checked his account, it was over quota. I have increased his cPanel user quota. However, the over quota issue still appears in the cPanel account and in webmail accounts. ———————————-Internal Server Error User ‘useraccount’ is over… Continue Reading login webmail Internal Server Error User is over quota

At times, when we access the Plesk panel by accessing the following URL: ========https://hostname:8443======== It will be redirecting to the following URL: ========http://hostname:11444======== In this case, you will not be able to access the Plesk panel. Fix: Execute the following command as a root user. ======== /usr/local/psa/bin/sso -d ======== You can access… Continue Reading Plesk Panel redirecting to URL: hostname:11444

Ping results from the source always helps us in troubleshooting the issue with connecting to the server or slow loading time. Here is the list of steps to need to follow to enable Ping in Windows machine. 1) Go to Start2) Open a command prompt 3) Type in the following:… Continue Reading Enabling Ping in Windows