
Python does not have a particular syntax or command for creating or declaring variable. A variable is created at the moment we assign a value to it.

Ex: x=4

Here variable ‘x’ is assigned with value 4 and is considered integer.


Here variable x is assigned string value.

So, we dont have separate syntax for declaring a variable. The moment we assign a value, the variable is declared with the type of value we assigned.

Conditions to name the variable:

  • Must contain numbers, letters, or underscores
  • Should not start with the number
  • Spaces are not allowed
  • Cannot be keywords of Python like print, break, etc.…
  • Case sensitive
  • Short and descriptive are best.


We can perform arithmetic operations using arithmetic operators.

ex: print(10+5)

Here addition will be done, and we will get output as 15.

The same way we can use other operators like logical,assignement and comparision operators.

Conditional Operators:

To execute statements based on conditions, we use this. The conditional operators are “if”,”if-else”,etc..

Some condition based executions are:

Just introduced how variables and operators are used in Python language.

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