How to Install Nginx and Let’s Encrypt SSL with HTML + Docker – Ubuntu 20.04 Date: 26-06-2021 Prerequisites: 1. Install Docker on your server.2. Install Docker Compose on your server.3. Configure DNS to point the domain to the server to install SSL.Note: In this document, I use domain name.… Continue Reading How to Install Nginx and Let’s Encrypt SSL with HTML + Docker – Ubuntu 20.04

1)To achieve the above, first we need to install docker. Please follow the below link to install docker. 2) Create a sample application. Create a directory called “helloapp”. Create file index.js.mkdir helloappcd helloappvi index.js 3) Copy and paste the below content. const express = require(“express”);const app = express();app.get(“/”, (req, res)… Continue Reading Deploy a sample app with Docker over SSL