In this script you will get information like AZ, instance ID, IP, keyname, etc… Please find the script below. Create a file with name Copy and paste the below content.nano !/bin/bash echo “Grabbing instances in all regions, please wait..”for region in aws ec2 describe-regions –output text | cut… Continue Reading Bash Script to get the information related to instances of all regions in AWS.

Convert XML to Json format and store in Database using Python Date posted:23 /11 / 2018 Introduction: In this article, it is applicable to convert only a very small Xml file format  in to Json  format. The converted Json format will be inserted in to a  existing database in Mysql. … Continue Reading Convert xml to Json format and store in DB using Python

Basic Errors & Solutions For Python Beginners. Date Posted: 13-10-2018 In this article, we are going to discuss a basic errors and  its solution in python. This article will help the beginners to know about  the errors and  guide them to solve it. let us detailed below, 1.Indentation Errors: It generally… Continue Reading Basic Errors & Solutions For Python Beginners.

Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx Date posted: 05-oct-2018   In this article, we will see how to setup a Django web application on Ubuntu 16.04 server. We’ll use UWSGIservice to deploy our webapp along with Nginx. Requirements:- Python 3.6 Django 2.0.7 Nginx 1.10.3 Ubuntu 16.04 Install… Continue Reading Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx on Ubuntu

Upgrading WordPress Manually in Centos 7 Date Posted : 20-09-2018 In this article, we are about to learn about how to upgrade WordPress version from rear end.We assuming that your have installed LAMP stack. Prerequisite : Acquaintance of WordPress,MySQL Assumptions: Centos 7 is running in your server WordPress version :… Continue Reading Upgrading WordPress Manually in Centos 7

Python Script to take backup of folder on Amazon s3 – Windows Date Posted:17-04-2017 Amazon S3 is a storage where we can store files in a cloud. We can download the files from anywhere after we stored the files on cloud. There are many way to store the files on… Continue Reading Python Script to take backup of folder on amazon s3 – Windows

In this post, we will explain how to setup failover on rundeck. Rundeck officially doesn’t supports failover. This approach we tested on Centos 6 and its working fine. Moreover, use this approach on your own risk 😛 Assumption: This post assumes that rundeck is running on host1 listens on port… Continue Reading Rundeck Failover Setup