
OpenVZ is a container-based virtualization solution that enables multiple isolated Linux containers to run on a single physical server. This guide provides a Bash script to automate the creation of an OpenVZ container.


  • OpenVZ is installed on the server.
  • Sufficient disk space and resources for the container
  • A pre-downloaded OpenVZ OS template

Steps to Create an OpenVZ Container via Bash Script:

Step 1: Create a Bash Script

Create a file named and make it executable.

read -p “Enter Container ID:” CT_ID
read -p “Enter OS Template (e.g., ubuntu-20.04-x86_64):” OS_TEMPLATE
read -p “Enter RAM size (e.g., 1G, 2G):” RAM
read -p “Enter CPU cores: ” CPU_CORES
read -p “Enter Disk size (e.g., 10G):” DISK_SIZE
read -p “Enter IP Address:” IP_ADDR
read -p “Enter the Hostname:” HOSTNAME

#Create the container
echo “Started Creating Container”
vzctl create $CT_ID –ostemplate $OS_TEMPLATE

#Save the Onboot
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –onboot yes

#Asign the IP address
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –ipadd $IP_ADDR

#Set CPUs for the container
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –cpus $CPU_CORES

#Set RAM for the container
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –ram $RAM

#Set DISK SPACE for the container
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –diskspace $DISK_SIZE

#Set Name server
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –nameserver –nameserver

#Set up the hostname
vzctl set $CT_ID –save –hostname $HOSTNAME

#Start the Container
vzctl start $CT_ID

echo “Container $CT_ID created and started successfully.”

echo “Username: root”
echo “IP address: $IP_ADDR”

Step 2: Make the Script Executable

Run the following command to give execution permissions to the script:

chmod +x

Step 3: Execute the Script

Run the script to create and start the container:


Enter configurations


This Bash script automates the process of creating an OpenVZ container with the specified configurations. Adjust the parameters according to the requirements

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