Atop installation on Linux Host Date Posted: 05-06-2017 Atop is a advanced system & process monitor tool used to monitor system resources, process even those are completed. In this post, we will explain on how to install atop on linux hosts. Implementation: There are multiple ways to install atop on the… Continue Reading Atop installation on Linux Host

Date Posted:02-06-2017 In this post We will explain image upload with crop,resize in codeigniter using jquery plugin I assume that you are  configure or setup the codeigniter step 1: Download the jquery.min.js and jquery.Jcrop.min.js,Jcrop.css files and link to script or use cdn link. <source type=”text/javascript”  src=””></source>  <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css”… Continue Reading CodeIgniter Image Upload and Crop,resize

The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated: Date Posted: 28-05-2017 When we install phpmyadmin on linux machine and we might have seen the following error on the login page. If we click on the error page, we might have get the following information on… Continue Reading The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated

Date Posted:29-05-2017 In this post we will explain Run a Codeigniter in a cron job using CPanelin Codeigniter Step 1: Open Cpanel->cronjob Step 2: add command text box below code wget Step 3:create a new controller give name as Cropjob.php,Create the new  function give name as  as sendDailyEmail  here  add… Continue Reading Run a Codeigniter in a cron job using CPanel

Adding automatic extension (php) on nginx Date Posted:25-05-2017 Well, normally no one likes to expose the language written on their website. On apache, we will use .htaccess to autoadd the extension. In this post, we will show on how to autoadd the extension on nginx configuration. Incase, if nginx is… Continue Reading Adding automatic extension (php) on nginx

Codeigniter 404 error on nginx Date Posted:24-05-2017 Recently, we deployed a codeigniter application on one of our server and found that it shows 404 error when we try to access the custom urls(such as domain.tld/login, domain.tld/admin, domain.tld/dashboard). The same application works fine on Apache webserver. After a long research, we found… Continue Reading Codeigniter 404 error on nginx

Date Posted:24-05-2017 In this post we will explain how to send email using HTML templates in Codeigniter How to send email using HTML templates in Codeigniter Step 1: Create HTML file with suits to your template. Path : /application/views/emails/test-email.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″ /> <title>Codeigniter mail templates</title> <meta… Continue Reading How to send email using HTML templates in Codeigniter

Posted Date:24-05-2017 In this post we will explain how to use a sub folder in default controller route in codeigniter 3 How to use a sub folder in default controller route in codeigniter 3 step1:Open application->system->Router.php file and edit the below mention line number Step2: line 1(298). if (sscanf($this->default_controller, ‘%[^/]/%s’,… Continue Reading How To Use A Sub Folder In Default Controller Route In Codeigniter 3

Install Phpmyadmin on Ajenti Control Panel Date Posted:23-05-2017 Phpmyadmin is a open source php application used to manage mysql database server from webbrowser. In this post, we will explain on how to install phpmyadmin on Ajenti Control panel. Prerequisites: Ajenti Control Panel Incase if ajenti control panel is not installed… Continue Reading Install Phpmyadmin on Ajenti Control Panel

Install Phpmyadmin on Ubuntu Date Posted:23-05-2017 Phpmyadmin is a opensource php application to manage database through web browser. We can create database, users, manage database tables, granting privileges and much more operation through browsers. We will explain on how to install phpmyadmin on Ubuntu host. Prerequisites: This post assumes that Ubuntu… Continue Reading Install Phpmyadmin on Ubuntu