How to install SSL certificate on gitlab Date Posted: 06-10-2017 This post explains on how to install SSL certificate on gitlab. This post assumes that we have SSL certificate purchased already and we have a private key with us. Assumption: Gitlab installed. Configuration path isĀ /etc/gitlab SSL certificate and private key… Continue Reading How to install SSL certificate on gitlab

Install SSL certificate for vestacp panel Date posted: 12-09-2017 Vestacp is an open source control panel and by default it listens on 8083. By default, vestacp uses self signed certificate. In this post, we will explain on how to install SSL certificate for vestacp panel. Prerequisites: Vesta cp panel access… Continue Reading Install SSL certificate for vestacp panel

Nginx is the fastest webserver when compared to Apache. In this post, we are gonna explain on how to secure your website using SSL certificate on ubuntu 16.04. Assumption: Ubuntu 16.04 Nginx webserver. If nginx is not installed, please follow the post to install nginx You must have private key,… Continue Reading Install SSL Certificate on Nginx Ubuntu 16.04