Roundcube DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED Date posted : 22/02/2019 This issue happens on a newly installed VestaCP due to some bugs. We’ve noticed this happens in Ubuntu 18.04 installation. If you check the logs, you will see below errors:- The default namespace found in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf already included the inbox = yes option. So there… Continue Reading Roundcube DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED

Disable server in roundcube login page Date posted : 22/02/2019 When you login to roundcude, you might see server option is enabled. And you need to input localhost upon login. To avoid this we need to disable that option from roundcube configuration So edit the /etc/roundcube/ file and set as below:-… Continue Reading Disable server in roundcube login page

Date Posted : 10/01/2019 In this tutorial, we are going to explain you about forcing webmail http requests to https automatically. In order to achieve it, you can edit /var/lib/roundcube/.htaccess file and add the below rules under RewriteRule section We’re going to verify it using curl request.

Add webmail alias in VestaCP panel – ubuntu 16.04 Date Posted: 05-10-2017 Assumptions:- We assume you have the following server setup VestaCP Ubuntu 16.04 Apache2 Solution:- Add this line at the bottom of /home/admin/conf/web/apache2.conf file <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:8080> ServerName webmail ServerAlias webmail.* DocumentRoot /usr/share/roundcube <Directory /usr/share/roundcube> AllowOverride All </Directory> </VirtualHost> Verify… Continue Reading Add webmail alias in VestaCP panel – ubuntu 16.04

Install RainLoop webmail Client on Ajenti Control Panel Date Posted:05-04-2017 Assumption: Linux Host. Ajenti Control panel. If Ajienti control panel is not installed, please follow the post on install Ajenti Control Panel Ajenti-v website package install. Implementation: Create a new website on Ajenti Control Panel : Select Websites under WEB Under Domains Tab,… Continue Reading Install RainLoop webmail Client on Ajenti Control Panel

Enabled “Auto Reload” option to 0 seconds. How to revert it?Kindly follow the steps below to disable the “Auto-reload” option in your webmail.1) login to your “Webmail” 2) You will be auto reloaded to “Horde” login page. 3) Now, click “back to one page”, in your browser like Firefox or… Continue Reading Enabled “Auto Reload” option to 0 seconds. How to revert it?

Enable Auto reload option in webmail/cPanel1) login to your “Webmail” 2) Check for the option “Auto Reload” below the default interface (i.e Horde, Squerrel mail) 3) Click on “Auto Reload” below the default interface 4) Give the seconds to reload that interface by default (e.g 5seconds)  

How to configure email account in Outlook?There are many of us who do not use Outlook for send/receive email. But it is the better option to use Outlook to send and receive emails. Configuring email account in Outlook is easier. Just follow the link below to configure Outlook in your… Continue Reading Configure email account in Outlook or MS Outlook

How to find roundcube version provided by the cPanel?The roundcube version provided by the cPanel is 0.5.4. === -bash-3.2# cat /var/cpanel/roundcube/version 0.5.4.cp11130.1-bash-3.2# ===cPanel dicument regarding the roundcube ==== ==== Upgrade rouncube version /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube –force cd /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/ mv roundcube roundcube-backup wget tar -zxf roundcubemail-0.6.tar.gz mv roundcubemail-0.6 roundcube cp roundcube-backup/config/… Continue Reading Find roundcube version provided by the cPanel and upgrade the roundcube