Insert data into database using codeigniter Date posted: 04-oct-2018 Please follow  the steps to insert data into database using codeigniter Step 1: Create a new file under the path Application/controllers/Insert.php.Copy the below given code in your view. <?php class Insert extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { //call CodeIgniter’s default… Continue Reading Insert data into database using codeigniter

Date Posted: 10-09-2018 In this Post we will explain create dynamic menu from database using codeigniter. We assuming that you are familiar with CodeIgniter’s MVC structure, so We did not going to explain what model and controller in CI are. Step 1: Please execute the following command and create the… Continue Reading Create dynamic menu from database using codeigniter

Date Posted: 04-09-2018 In this Post we will explain Generate Username from User First and Last Name using codeigniter library Step 1 : Go to folder application -> libraries Step 2 : Create a PHP file with Unique_username_lib.php Step 3 : Add the following code in Unique_username_lib.php. This code is… Continue Reading Generate Username from User First and Last Name – codeigniter library

Posted Date:20-06-2017 In this post we will explain dynamically set codeigniter baseurl. Step 1: navigate to application/config and open config.php file edit $config[‘base_url’] using following code. $config[‘base_url’] = ((isset ( $_SERVER [‘HTTPS’] ) && $_SERVER [‘HTTPS’] == “on”) ? “https” : “http”); $config[‘base_url’] .= “://” . $_SERVER [‘HTTP_HOST’]; $config[‘base_url’] .=… Continue Reading Dynamically set CodeIgniter Base URL

Posted Date:19-06-2017 In this post we will explain Make the <li class> to be Active when click menu Step 1: Include jQuery Plugin necessary  jquery files. <source src=””></source > <source src=”” type=”text/javascript”></source > <source src=”” type=”text/javascript”></source > Step 2:Add the following jquery script code for dynamic active class var url = window.location.href; // for sidebar… Continue Reading Make the menu to be Active when click menu

Date Posted:14-06-2017 In this post  we will explain codeigniter importing data using excel file and PHPExcel libary I assume that you are configure or setup the codeigniter step1:Download PHPExcel libarry from it’s github repository or you can download it from PHPExcel official website. Dwonload PHPExcel library Dwonload PHPExcel library from… Continue Reading codeigniter importing data using excel file

Date Posted:13-06-2017 In this post  we will explain export data from database using PHPExcel libary I assume that you are configure or setup the codeigniter Step 1:Create the mysql table currency,use following code — phpMyAdmin SQL Dump — version — — — Host: — Generation Time: Jun… Continue Reading Export data from Database to Excel Sheet(.xls) using Codeigniter

Date Posted:02-06-2017 In this post  we will explain create new library in codeigniter for currency conversion,symbol I assume that you are configure or setup the codeigniter Step 1:Create the mysql table currency,use following code — phpMyAdmin SQL Dump — version — — — Host: — Generation Time:… Continue Reading Currency Conversion and Symbol library in CodeIgniter

Date Posted:02-06-2017 In this post We will explain image upload with crop,resize in codeigniter using jquery plugin I assume that you are  configure or setup the codeigniter step 1: Download the jquery.min.js and jquery.Jcrop.min.js,Jcrop.css files and link to script or use cdn link. <source type=”text/javascript”  src=””></source>  <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css”… Continue Reading CodeIgniter Image Upload and Crop,resize

Date Posted:29-05-2017 In this post we will explain Run a Codeigniter in a cron job using CPanelin Codeigniter Step 1: Open Cpanel->cronjob Step 2: add command text box below code wget Step 3:create a new controller give name as Cropjob.php,Create the new  function give name as  as sendDailyEmail  here  add… Continue Reading Run a Codeigniter in a cron job using CPanel