Introduction Composer is an application for tracking the dependencies of a project. It pulls in all the required PHP packages. It allows to specify a set of libraries for a specific project. With the libraries established, it identifies the versions and dependencies and installs them to the corresponding project. Prerequisites… Continue Reading How to Install and Use PHP Composer on CentOS 7

Introduction: Swap space is a dedicated area on a computer’s hard drive that is used as virtual memory when the system’s physical RAM (Random Access Memory) is full. When the RAM becomes overloaded, the operating system moves less frequently used data from RAM to the swap space, freeing up memory… Continue Reading How to create the swap space using the swap file on Ubuntu 20.04?

Introduction: In this section we are going to see how to upgrade the OS of Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 in a vps. Prerequisites: Procedure: Step 1: Update the current apt repository $ sudo apt update Step 2: Next upgrade the installed packages to the latest using $ sudo apt… Continue Reading How to upgrade the OS from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 

Introduction: MediaWiki is a free and open-source software platform used to create and manage wikis. It was originally developed for Wikipedia and is now widely used by various organizations for knowledge sharing and collaboration. Prerequisites: Procedure: Step 1: Login to the server $ ssh username@IP Step 2: Move the logo to the… Continue Reading How to change the logo in MediaWiki website

Introduction phpPgAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of Postgres database over the Web.Prerequisite1. An SSH user with sudo privileges2. A web server has to be installed 3. Postgres Database with their clients has to be installed4. A database and its user with… Continue Reading How to install phpPgAdmin in the remote server – Linux

Introduction: The reCAPTCHA plugin is a good tool for fighting spam in WordPress. It can prevent spammers from posting unwanted comments on WordPress blogs. A CAPTCHA is an image made up of letters and numbers, and a user is required to type those same letters and numbers correctly to prove… Continue Reading How to Install reCAPTCHA in WordPress

Introduction: MySQL’s slow query log makes it easy to track SQL queries that take more than a specific time for execution. This allows you to find inefficient SQL queries that can be optimized to improve database performance. Prerequisite: Implementation: Step 1: SSH the server with the user having sudo privileges… Continue Reading How to enable the slow query log – Mysql in Linux

Introduction: Metasploit is a tool that is used to check the vulnerabilities of websites. In this blog we are going to learn how to install the Metasploit in the server by following the below steps. Prerequisites: 1. A server with OS type Ubuntu 20.04 or higher.2. An user with sudo… Continue Reading How to install Metasploit on ubuntu20.04 or in Higher versions.

Prerequisites: Login to your Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system with Sudo privileged account. Procedure: Step1: First of all, import the GPG key to the system used for verifying the packages signed by it. Open a terminal and execute the following command: Step2: Now, configure the Chrome PPA to your system. The… Continue Reading How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS systems

Introduction:In this guide, we will walk you through the process of updating and changing the time on your Ubuntu server using the command line. When you need to manually set the time, this guide will provide you with the information you need to get started. Prerequisites: Procedure: Step 1: Log… Continue Reading How to update/change time in the Ubuntu server.