PDFlib support for PHP7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 Date posted: 16-10-2017 Task: Enable PDF for PHP7.0 Based on your server architecture download PDFlib software from PDFlib site. cd /usr/local/src wget https://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/911/PDFlib-9.1.1p3-Linux-x86_64-php.tar.gz tar -xvf PDFlib-9.1.1p3-Linux-x86_64-php.tar.gz cd PDFlib-9.1.1p3-Linux-x86_64-php/ Find PHP extension_dir # php -ini | grep extension_dir extension_dir => /usr/lib/php/20151012 => /usr/lib/php/20151012 copy… Continue Reading PDFlib support for PHP7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04

Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4 Date Posted: 12-10-2017 The following error we have seen on the following log after we setup apache server on linux host. Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4 Reason: This error normally occurs if the documentroot is not allowed on virtualhost configuration. Consider,… Continue Reading Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4

How to install Ioncube loader on Linux Date Posted: 03-10-2017 Ioncube loader is a php module used to encrypt php code. This post explains on how to install Ioncube loader on linux server. The Linux server can be Ubuntu, centos or other operating system. Prerequisites: Linux Host. Apache Webserver. If… Continue Reading How to install Ioncube loader on Linux

Setup redirection using Proxypass, proxyreversepass on apache Date Posted: 24-08-2017 There are scenarios like we would like to forward the request to different domain or different port. However, the URL on the browser should remain the same. In this post, we will explain on how to setup redirection using proxypass.… Continue Reading Setup redirection using Proxypass, proxyreversepass on apache

Setup redirection from one domain to another domain on .htaccess Date Posted: 24-08-2017 Scenario: There are scenarios like where we want to redirect onedomain to another domain. We can use .htaccess to achieve the same. Prerequisites: Ubuntu or centos Server Apache 2.4 or apache 2.2 Rewrite module. You can verify… Continue Reading Setup redirection from one domain to another domain on .htaccess

Install Apache, php7, mysql on Redhat 7 server Apache is a popular webserver and our previous post explains on how to install on ubuntu, centos server. In this article, we will explain on how to install apache, php, mysql on redhat 7 server. Prerequisites: Server Root access Implementation: Login to… Continue Reading Install Apache2, php7, mysql on Redhat 7 server

Install and Configure Nagios Server Date Posted: 08-06-2017 Nagios is an open source monitor tool widely used to monitor client machines. Here, we are going to explain on how to install and configure nagios server. Prerequisites: Centos 7.0 Server – In this post, we are using centos server 7.0. We… Continue Reading Install and Configure Nagios Server

Date Posted: 04-05-2017 We are getting continuous 500 internal server on our php-fpm/fcgi apache server. The log reports the following error [Day Month xx 10:09:14.269068 2017] [fastcgi:error] [pid 1422] [client xx.xx.xx.xx:59020] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server “/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi” [Day Month  xx 10:09:46.864781 2017] [fastcgi:error] [pid 1690] [client xx.xx.xx.xx:59021] FastCGI: comm with server… Continue Reading FastCGI: comm with server “/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi” aborted: idle timeout

Install Apache with php-fpm on Ubuntu 16 Date Posted:03-05-2016 Php-fpm is a FastCGI Process Manager which is faster to serve php when compared to mod_php. In this post, we will explain on how to install Apache with php-fpm on Ubuntu 16 host. Implementation: Let’s Start with apache2 installation. apt-get install… Continue Reading Install Apache with php-fpm on Ubuntu 16

Add Multiple Domains(virtual Hosts) on Apache Ubuntu Date Posted:04-04-2017 Apache popular well known webserver which can be used to serve multiple domains on a single server. This post assumes that apache is already installed and we will deal with how to add multiple domains in it. Assumption: Ubuntu Host Apache… Continue Reading Add Multiple Domains(virtual Hosts) on Apache Ubuntu