FTP Configuration Dated : 15/11/2018 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard Internet protocol for transmitting files between computers on the Internet over TCP/IP connections.FTP is a client-server protocol that relies on two communications channels between client and server Step 1 : check whether the ftp is already installed in our… Continue Reading How to setup VSFTP Configuration

Login to the Ubuntu server & follow the below steps  to install openlitespeed  Step 1:Add OpenLiteSpeed Repository to Ubuntu $ wget -O – http://rpms.litespeedtech.com/debian/enable_lst_debian_repo.sh | sudo bash Step 2: Update the server before installing a new package $ sudo apt update Step 3: Install openlitespeed  $ sudo apt install openlitespeed… Continue Reading How to install OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04  Server

I got the above error when I am executing the bash script with mail command. In the scripts you use -a in the mail commands to attach the logfile. This does not function and results in an error that an invalid header is being added to the mail. Looking in… Continue Reading Invalid header: /var/log/rkhunter.log

Step 1:- Login to the AWS Management console Step 2:- Search AWS Amplify on the search bar and click on it. Step3:- Select GET STARTED and on Deliver section click on GET STARTED Step 4:-  Navigate All Page > New tab > Host web app Step 5:- Choose “Deploy without… Continue Reading How to deploy a code on AWS Amplify

If you get the above error when you setup Jenkins job, please follow the below steps. There may be several reasons behind this error. One the reason may be if you don’t have git installed where you have jenkins server. To avoid this you can use the below given command.… Continue Reading Failed to connect to repository Error performing git command git ls-remote -h https github com jenikis hook git HEAD

Step 1: Download the latest WordPress file (Download | WordPress.org) Step 2: Log in to your cPanel. And click “File Manager” in the file section Step 3: Goto Domain folder Steps 4: Click on upload and select the downloaded wordpress zip file,Right click on the zip file and click on extract Step… Continue Reading How to install WordPress in cPanel without Softaculous

Step:1 – Deny all hosts deny all incoming SSH connections Open file /etc/hosts.deny by using a text editor:  vi /etc/hosts.deny Add the following line to deny all incoming SSH connections to the server:  sshd: ALL Save and close the file. Step:2 – Allow IP Address Open the file /etc/hosts.allow file by using a text… Continue Reading Restrict SSH login to a specific IP or host

To disable foreign key constraints when you want to truncate a table: Use FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS and remember to enable it when you’re done:

Remove server name from Apache headers:- It is essential to remove Apache server header to hide Apache server information and protect your website from malicious attackers. Here’s how to remove server name from Apache response header using htaccess. You can use it to hide the Apache version and server type… Continue Reading Hide server details and disable TLSV1.0 and TLSV1.1

How to enable exec() function in PHP-FPM Date: 02-10-2021 Step 1: Log in to the server via SSH. Step 2: Check the PHP version of the server by using the below command.# php -v Step 3: If your domain using PHP version 7.3, open the PHP-FPM configuration file. # vi… Continue Reading How to enable exec() function in PHP-FPM