Learn Find Command and usages Date Posted: 28-03-2017 Find is a command which is used to find files and directories based on various scenario. In this post, we will explain find command and usage with some examples. Find a filename called test.txt on the directory /home/pheonixsolutions. The below command search all… Continue Reading Learn Find Command and usages

Change SSH Default Port and Disable SSH Root Login Date Posted:12-04-2017 By default linux machine SSH port is 22 and root login would be enabled. We will explain on how to change SSH default port and Disable SSH Root login. We need to make sure to add new user which has… Continue Reading Change SSH Default Port and Disable SSH Root Login

Install RainLoop webmail Client on Ajenti Control Panel Date Posted:05-04-2017 Assumption: Linux Host. Ajenti Control panel. If Ajienti control panel is not installed, please follow the post on install Ajenti Control Panel Ajenti-v website package install. Implementation: Create a new website on Ajenti Control Panel : Select Websites under WEB Under Domains Tab,… Continue Reading Install RainLoop webmail Client on Ajenti Control Panel

Install Tomcat server on Ubuntu 16 Date Posted:05-04-2016 Tomcat is a webserver used to deploy java application. We will install tomcat server 8 version and java 1.8 version on Ubuntu Host. Implementation: Before installing tomcat or java, we will perform system upgrades on host. apt-get update apt-get upgrade Install tomcat8… Continue Reading Install Tomcat server on Ubuntu 16

Add Multiple Domains(virtual Hosts) on Apache Ubuntu Date Posted:04-04-2017 Apache popular well known webserver which can be used to serve multiple domains on a single server. This post assumes that apache is already installed and we will deal with how to add multiple domains in it. Assumption: Ubuntu Host Apache… Continue Reading Add Multiple Domains(virtual Hosts) on Apache Ubuntu

Enable mod rewrite module on Apache 2.4 Date Posted:01-04-2017 Mod rewrite is an essential module for .htaccess rules to work on apache server. Follow the below post incase apache is not installed on host. Install Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu Implementation: Login to the server as root. Execute the below command to enable the… Continue Reading Enable mod rewrite module on Apache 2.4 Ubuntu

Date Posted: 28-03-2017 In this post, we gonna explain difference between Redhat 6 vs Redhat 7 distribution Commands, files,etc., These are basic commands which we may use in our day today activities on redhat 6 distribution. List All Services: Redhat 6: chkconfig –list ls /etc/init.d Redhat 7: systemctl -at service… Continue Reading Redhat 6 vs Redhat 7 distribution Commands

Date Posted:25-03-2017 In our previous posts, we have seen how to hide webserver information on nginx information. Now, in this post we will show on how to hide server information on Apache webserver. If there is no webserver installed on the host, please follow the below post to install apache… Continue Reading Hide WebServer Information on Apache

Date Posted:24/03/2017 By default, webserver version, OS information will be visible to public which consider as a security problem because its not a good practice to expose server information. This may result in hackers to intrude your server incase if any vulnerability. So, its always good to hide all server… Continue Reading Hide Webserver information|Modify Server Header on Nginx

Date Posted: 17-03-2017 Docker is a most handy devops tool used nowdays. In this post, we explains few things about docker starts from installation. We tested docker on ubuntu machine. The docker command whatever we deals in the post will be same all linux flavors. Installation and few other command… Continue Reading Overview of Docker|Docker Commands