SSH setup in a newly installed Ubuntu 16.04.2 server Secure Shell(SSH) is a protocol used to login securely from a remote host to other over a unsecured network. The password will be Encrypted when trying to login to a remote host. Prerequisites: We have a newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2… Continue Reading SSH setup in a newly installed Ubuntu 16.04.2 server

Enable Root login in newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2: This post is to guide you on how to enable root user or root login in a newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 . Prerequisites: Installed a new Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Already a local user name created without admin rights. Implementation: Consider… Continue Reading Enable Root login in newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2

How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2: A server admin or an user can disable ping or icmp replies from a server for the following reasons, Security reason. Avoid network congestion. Avoid network flood using ping hostname -f Prerequisites: Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Implementation: Follow the… Continue Reading How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2

How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Temporarily: A server admin or an user can disable ping or icmp replies from a server for the following reasons, Security. Avoid network congestion. Avoid network flood using ping hostname -f Prerequisites: Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Implementation: Follow the… Continue Reading How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Temporarily

Install Apache, php7, mysql on Redhat 7 server Apache is a popular webserver and our previous post explains on how to install on ubuntu, centos server. In this article, we will explain on how to install apache, php, mysql on redhat 7 server. Prerequisites: Server Root access Implementation: Login to… Continue Reading Install Apache2, php7, mysql on Redhat 7 server

Install iotop on linux host Iotop is utility used to identify which process, user consumes more io. This post explains on how to install iptop on linux host. By default iostat won’t be come by default. Implementation: On ubuntu host, execute the following command to install iotop. Press y to… Continue Reading Install iotop on linux host

Posted Date:04-08-2017 In this post we will explain dynamic column header and result from ajax call in jquery datatable   Step 1: Include jQuery  Plugin and css <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=””> <source src=”” integrity=”sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=” crossorigin=”anonymous”></source> <source type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf8″ src=””></source> Step 2: Add the following script for data table initialization with… Continue Reading dynamic column header and result from ajax call in jquery datatable

Create swap on linux Date Posted: 01-08-2017 Swap space will usually be a disk partition but can also be a file. Users may create a swap space during installation of Linux or at any later time should it become necessary. Swap space is generally recommended for users with less than… Continue Reading Create swap space on linux

Webmail subdomains mapping in VestCP Date Posted: 01-08-2017 Like cPanel, we want to map the webmail to webmail.domain.tld for all the domains hosted on the server on vestacp. Implementation: Add the below lines to /home/admin/conf/web/httpd.conf <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> ServerName webmail ServerAlias webmail.* DocumentRoot /usr/share/roundcubemail </VirtualHost> Now restart httpd service httpd restart