Introduction:     In this GraphQL guide, we’ll explore how to upload a file using GraphQL in a TypeScript, MongoDB, and Node.js environment. We’ll set up the schema and resolver to handle file uploads and store the data in a MongoDB database. Step 1 : Define the schema for uploading a… Continue Reading GraphOL use to Upload A file

In Class base component has 2 features 1.State Management2.Life Cycle FeatureDisadvantageswe cant not hooks in class base componentsFORMATE OF CLASS COMPONENET example:import React,{Component} from ‘react’ import Display from ‘./Display’export default class App extends Component { state={ name:”React”, }render(){return( <div> <center><Display data={}/> <br /> <button onClick={()=>this.setState({name:”Owner”})}>Change </button></center></div> )}}from above example declared… Continue Reading React Class Components

Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle In the world of software development, understanding the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is crucial. The SDLC is a systematic process used by software developers to design, develop, and test high-quality software. This guide aims to demystify the complexities of the SDLC, from its… Continue Reading Demystifying the Software Development Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: The file system of a Linux server plays a crucial role in managing data storage and retrieval efficiently. Among the various file system types available, ext3 and ext4 are widely used due to their stability, reliability, and compatibility with Linux distributions. Step 1: First, We should verify the current… Continue Reading How to convert file system type from ext3 to ext4 for Linux servers?

BUTTON The Button component in React Native serves as a basic UI element for triggering actions or events when pressed. It provides developers with a simple and consistent way to incorporate user interactions into their applications. PROGRAM: import React from ‘react;import { View, Button, Alert } from ‘react-native’;const SampleButton =… Continue Reading REACT NATIVE USER INTERFACE

Introduction: A replica set in MongoDB is a group of MongoDB processes that maintain the same data set with a designated primary node and one or more secondary nodes. Replica sets provide redundancy and high availability, forming the foundation for robust production deployments Prerequisites: Implementation Step 1: Open the MongoDB… Continue Reading How to Generate a Connection String for a MongoDB Replica Set Using MongoDB Compass

Introduction This document provides a step-by-step guide on creating a new user in Jenkins and configuring permissions for that user using the Matrix-based Authorization Strategy. As an admin, you have the authority to add and manage users in Jenkins, ensuring secure access and control over various aspects of the CI/CD… Continue Reading Jenkins User Creation and Permission Management Guide