Essential things to know about List data structure in python DATE : 22/08/2019 INTRODUCTION In python, the list is defined as a collection of items separated by a comma within the square bracket. which is best to use when we want to work with different values. LIST one of the… Continue Reading Essential things to know about List data structure in python

Websites hosted on Plesk server often results with 502 Bad Gateway Introduction Most importantly, websites are unavailable and often result in 502 Bad gateway in the Plesk server. Root cause A request cannot be processed by the proxy server because of insufficient buffer size. In the log files /var/log/nginx/error.log Consequently, in… Continue Reading Websites hosted on Plesk server often results with 502 Bad Gateway

Sort du output based on file size Date posted: 31/07/2019 Objective:- In this article we will explain how to sort the files and folders size using du command. Solution:- You can run this command to show the results Sample output: Thanks for using pheonix solutions.

Common conflict in Plesk: the Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted (tried to allocate Y bytes) in Linux. Date posted: 25/07/2019 Introduction The error will occur due to the memory limit is exceeded by Plesk PHP back-end. Moreover, this memory exceeded will results in unable to extract the big… Continue Reading Common conflict in Plesk: the Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted (tried to allocate Y bytes)

Install and configure Nessus in centos 7 Date posted: 28/06/2019 Introduction In this blog post, we will explain how to install Nessus on CentOS 7. Nessus is one of the most popular vulnerability scanner in the market. Moreover, it provides Nessus Home allowing you to scan your personal network with… Continue Reading Install and configure Nessus in centos 7

Fundamental things to know in android activity and fragment Date : 12/06/2019 Activity The Activityclass is basically a crucial component of an Android app, and the way activities are launched and put together is a fundamental part of the platform’s application model. Hence an activity provides the window in which… Continue Reading Fundamental things to know in android activity and fragment

How to transfer files from one server to another. Date : 19/06/2019 Introduction : To transfer a files or folder in secure way form one server to another server using SCP. SCP – Secure Copy Protocol, it is bulit in command used to copy files form one server to another… Continue Reading How to transfer files from one server to another.

How to setup animation in android Date : 20/06/2019 Introduction Animation in android application are used to remove raw motions in android. However without an animation there can’t be good user experience so, we used. As a simple you can write an animation in XML file and use in your… Continue Reading How to setup animation in android

cPanel & WHM update failure in upcp script Date posted : 09/06/2019 When automatic upcp runs, there could be some errors/failures for some reason. We should take it into account and should resolve the errors. Its because some of the dns resolvers are not working as expected. Run below scripts… Continue Reading cPanel & WHM update failure in upcp script

BACKGROUND IMAGE ZOOM WITH TRANSITION Date: 19/06/2019 INTRODUCTION In this tutorial, I going to explain about zoom the background image with the transition property For that i have use transition property for zoom the image. The following code will used to zoom the particular image. The above code i have… Continue Reading BACKGROUND IMAGE ZOOM WITH TRANSITION