Roundcube DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED Date posted : 22/02/2019 This issue happens on a newly installed VestaCP due to some bugs. We’ve noticed this happens in Ubuntu 18.04 installation. If you check the logs, you will see below errors:- The default namespace found in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf already included the inbox = yes option. So there… Continue Reading Roundcube DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED

Disable server in roundcube login page Date posted : 22/02/2019 When you login to roundcude, you might see server option is enabled. And you need to input localhost upon login. To avoid this we need to disable that option from roundcube configuration So edit the /etc/roundcube/ file and set as below:-… Continue Reading Disable server in roundcube login page

Migrate Gsuite mail accounts to cPanel Date posted : 07/02/2019 There are cases, you want to switch from your Gsuite mail server to cPanel mail hosting server. Its pretty easy to migrate the emails seamlessly with the use of imapsync tool. All you need is below details:-1. Gsuite mail account… Continue Reading Migrate Gsuite mail accounts to cPanel

Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS Webpanel Domain Date posted : 25/01/2019 In this blog post, we are going to explain how to install Let’s encrypt free SSL for user domains Prerequisites CentOS Webpanel root Access Domain name Step 1 Login to CentOS Webpanel as root Step 2 Under Navigation… Continue Reading Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS Webpanel Domain

Date posted : 24/01/2019 CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is a free web hosting control panel that offers easy managemet of multiple servers (both Dedicated and VPS) without the need to access server through SSH for every small task that you need to complete. It has a lots of feature to manage… Continue Reading CentOS Webpanel Installation

Date Posted : 10/01/2019 In this tutorial, we are going to explain you about forcing webmail http requests to https automatically. In order to achieve it, you can edit /var/lib/roundcube/.htaccess file and add the below rules under RewriteRule section We’re going to verify it using curl request.

How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Date posted: 06/01/2019 Introduction Webmin is a web-based OS system configuration tool for Unix-like systems such as  Linux, solaris and FreeBSD. It is released under BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License. Webmin helps to manage the operating system’s internal such as changing passwords,… Continue Reading How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

How to migrate CPanel Account manually from backend Posted on : 03-11-2018 In this article, we are going to see about the efficient and fastest method to transfer WHM accounts from one server to another and restoring the same in new server. Assumption : If we need to migrate all… Continue Reading How to migrate CPanel Account manually from backend

Change mysql data directory on cPanel| Safely move mysql data directory – Centos Date Posted: 05-05-2018 This post explains on how to move or setup different data directory for mysql application. If there is no database exists, skip the first step. This post deals with moving data directory to /home/mysql… Continue Reading Change mysql data directory on cPanel| Safely move mysql data directory – Centos

BCC to all emails in exim cPanel|Copy all outgoing emails on exim Date posted: 14-02-2018 In this post, we will explain how to keep all outgoing Emails to particular mail account. Note that the email box which we will be setup will receive all the mails irrespective of to address.… Continue Reading BCC to all emails in exim cPanel|Copy all outgoing emails on exim