Allow FTP access to developers for wordpress sites Date posted : 07/02/2019 In this blog article, we will be explaining FTP related access to wordpress sites. Generally developers used to face issues with FTP uploads or wordpress plugins installs via wp-admin. It happens due to incorrect user/group file permissions given… Continue Reading Allow FTP access to developers for wordpress sites

Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy Date posted : 07/02/2019 Scrollspy is used to automatically update links in a navigation list based on scroll position. How To Create a Scrollspy The following example shows how to create a scrollspy: Scrollspy Using Bootstrap 4 Example Explained Add data-spy=”scroll” to the element that should be used as the scrollable… Continue Reading Bootstrap 4 scrollspy

Force HTTP to HTTP Date posted : 06/02/2019 In this post we will explain redirect the url from http to https. Before you follow this steps, you need ssl certificate for your domain. Step 1: Create or update the .httacess file with following code After you have added the code… Continue Reading Force HTTP to HTTPS

Migrate Gsuite mail accounts to cPanel Date posted : 07/02/2019 There are cases, you want to switch from your Gsuite mail server to cPanel mail hosting server. Its pretty easy to migrate the emails seamlessly with the use of imapsync tool. All you need is below details:-1. Gsuite mail account… Continue Reading Migrate Gsuite mail accounts to cPanel

Allow FTP access to developers for wordpress sites Date posted : 07/02/2019 In this blog article, we will be explaining FTP related access to wordpress sites. Generally developers used to face issues with FTP uploads or wordpress plugins installs via wp-admin. It happens due to incorrect user/group file permissions given… Continue Reading Allow FTP access to developers for wordpress sites

HOW TO – Slide logo using slick slider Date posted : 30/01/2019 Introduction Add a responsive logo slideshow carousel to your site quickly and easily. Embed in any post/page using short code or in your theme. Perfect for displaying a list of sponsor or client logos. Example : Source code… Continue Reading HOW TO – Slide logo using slick slider

How TO – Section Counter using bootstrap 4 Date posted : 27/01/2019 In this blog post, learn how to create a “section counter” with CSS and BS4. What is Section Counter? A section counter is used to tell people how well their business is going, by displaying interesting numbers and… Continue Reading How TO – Section Counter using bootstrap 4

Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS Webpanel Domain Date posted : 25/01/2019 In this blog post, we are going to explain how to install Let’s encrypt free SSL for user domains Prerequisites CentOS Webpanel root Access Domain name Step 1 Login to CentOS Webpanel as root Step 2 Under Navigation… Continue Reading Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS Webpanel Domain

Date posted : 24/01/2019 CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is a free web hosting control panel that offers easy managemet of multiple servers (both Dedicated and VPS) without the need to access server through SSH for every small task that you need to complete. It has a lots of feature to manage… Continue Reading CentOS Webpanel Installation

Testimonial using Bootstrap Date:14/12/2018 What is a Testimonial? Testimonials are written or recorded statements that support your credibility and level of expertise. They also strengthen your reputation by expressing the trust that other people have in you and your business offerings. They are a wonderful tool that helps you to… Continue Reading Testimonial using bootstrap