No valid crumb was included in the request Date posted: 18-07-2018 When you work on Jenkins deployment, you might see “No valid crumb was included in the request” error. We can resolve this issue by disable CSRF protection. Fix:- Login to Jenkins  Goto Manage Jenkins >> Configure Global Security >> CSRF Protection… Continue Reading No valid crumb was included in the request | jenkins | Pheonixsolutions

Implement IPSET on csf on cPanel | Pheonixsolutions Date posted: 03-06-2018 By default cPanel uses iptables to manage inbound and outbound connections. To improve performance and if we want to block large number of IP address in iptables may slow down the server and affect the network performance. Note: IPset… Continue Reading Implement IPSET on csf on cPanel | Pheonixsolutions

Configure uwsgi with nginx for Django applications Date Posted: 11-05-2018 In this article, we’ll be explaining how to run uwsgi server with nginx for Django applications. Prerequisties:- 1. python2.7 2. nginx 3. pip 4. uwsgi Note: We are configuring this setup on RHEL 7.4. The same can be used for… Continue Reading Configure uwsgi with nginx for Django applications

Change mysql data directory on cPanel| Safely move mysql data directory – Centos Date Posted: 05-05-2018 This post explains on how to move or setup different data directory for mysql application. If there is no database exists, skip the first step. This post deals with moving data directory to /home/mysql… Continue Reading Change mysql data directory on cPanel| Safely move mysql data directory – Centos

Clear Journal logs on Linux host Date Posted: 29-04-2018 We ran out of disk space on our server and /var consumes more disk space. On checking further,  /var/log/journal consumes more disk space. The safest way to remove unnecessary entries via journalctl journalctl –vacuum-size=128M Now, verify journalctl. journalctl –verify Edit SystemMaxuse on /etc/systemd/journald.conf vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf SystemMaxUse=128M  

(13)Permission denied: AH00957: HTTP: attempt to connect to failed Date Posted: 28-04-2018 We setup a redirection using proxypass to different port on apache configuration. It failed with an error which mentioned in title of the post. Resolution: Selinux would be causing the issue. Here is the fix that we need… Continue Reading (13)Permission denied: AH00957: HTTP: attempt to connect to failed

Date Posted: 05-04-2018 In this we will explain MySql replace NULL values with empty string. Step1: You can create two different tables. using the following query. CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, `last_name` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY… Continue Reading MySql replace NULL values with empty string

httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory|cPanel Date Posted: 04-04-2018 Recently, we have received an issue with respect to libaprutil package on cPanel server. The apache service went down due to this. The following steps will help on fixing the issue.… Continue Reading httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory|cPanel

Block wp-login.php based on country through mod_security Date Posted: 17-02-2018 WordPress is popular CMS which receives large number of DDOS login attempts generally. As a system administrator or site owner, if we dont feel that the traffic is not genuine from some other country, we can restrict wp-login.php   only from… Continue Reading Block wp-login.php based on country through mod_security