If you want to schedule and run a job at a particular time then you can follow the below steps 1) Login to Jenkins 2) Goto the job you want schedule and click on configure. 3) Go down to the section of “build triggers” 4) Check Build periodically, you get… Continue Reading Schedule Job in Jenkins

In this script you will get information like AZ, instance ID, IP, keyname, etc… Please find the script below. Create a file with name getawsinstance.sh. Copy and paste the below content.nano getawsinstances.sh !/bin/bash echo “Grabbing instances in all regions, please wait..”for region in aws ec2 describe-regions –output text | cut… Continue Reading Bash Script to get the information related to instances of all regions in AWS.

How to Install Nginx and Let’s Encrypt SSL with HTML + Docker – Ubuntu 20.04 Date: 26-06-2021 Prerequisites: 1. Install Docker on your server.2. Install Docker Compose on your server.3. Configure DNS to point the domain to the server to install SSL.Note: In this document, I use ramesh.pheonixsolutions.com domain name.… Continue Reading How to Install Nginx and Let’s Encrypt SSL with HTML + Docker – Ubuntu 20.04

1)To achieve the above, first we need to install docker. Please follow the below link to install docker.https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository 2) Create a sample application. Create a directory called “helloapp”. Create file index.js.mkdir helloappcd helloappvi index.js 3) Copy and paste the below content. const express = require(“express”);const app = express();app.get(“/”, (req, res)… Continue Reading Deploy a sample app with Docker over SSL

How to Enable Hardware Virtualisation on Windows 10 machine Date: 19-06-2021 Step 1: Reboot your computer and login to BIOS mode. Normally, BIOS settings can be accessed using the function keys (F1, F2, F3, F10, or F12) during boot. Some computers are using ESC or Delete key to login BIOS… Continue Reading How to Enable Hardware Virtualization on Windows 10 machine

How to enable and disable startup apps in Windows 10 Date: 12-06-2021 Step 1: Right-click the Start button and select Task Manager then select the Startup tab.Note: If you don’t see the Startup tab, select More details in Task Manager. Step 2: Select the app you want to Enable to run it at system startup or Disable it… Continue Reading How to enable and disable startup apps in Windows 10

Wildcard SSL allows you to secure an unlimited number of subdomains on a single certificate. It’s a great solution for anyone who hosts or manages multiple sites or pages that exist on the same domain. The one-time cost of the certificate covers you for additional subdomains you may add in… Continue Reading Installing wildcard SSL in windows which you are already using in Linux

If the mysqld server receives too many connection requests from the host that is interrupted in the middle, the following error occurs: The max_connect_errors system variable determines the number of successive interrupted connection requests that are allowed. Once there are max_connect_errors failed requests without a successful connection, mysqld assumes that something is… Continue Reading Host host_name is blocked

How to Install Remote Desktop (Xrdp) on Ubuntu 18.04 Date: 04-06-2021 Step 1: Login to your ubuntu server via ssh. Step 2: Install XRDP Packages by using below commands.# sudo apt-get update# apt-get install xrdp Step 3: Allow RDP port 3389 in your server firewall if firewall enabled. Step 4:… Continue Reading How to Install Remote Desktop (Xrdp) on Ubuntu 18.04

When you get the above error while accessing the Mongodb, you can simply resolve it by changing the role. You need to set the role to be root when adding the first admin user. use admindb.createUser({user: ‘admin’,pwd: ‘password’,roles: [ { role: ‘root’, db: ‘admin’ } ]}); If you have already… Continue Reading List collections failed: not authorized(Mongodb)