When we enter: http://www.domain.com, the site redirects to wp-admin (https://domain.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fdomain.com%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1). Please follow the below steps, if you face the above issue. 1) Check whether you are running the standard WordPress .htaccess. Here is the standard for reference: 2) Insert the below code into .htaccess. 3) Go to the browser and… Continue Reading Domain with www. redirects to wp-admin

If during installation of a plugin, WordPress asks for your hostname or FTP details. Then follow these steps:1) Login to your server and navigate to /var/www/html/wordpress/. 2) Open wp-config.php and add this line after define(‘DB_COLLATE’)3) Add the following line – define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);4) If you get “Could not create directory” error.… Continue Reading When you try to install the plugin in wordpress site it asks for FTP credentials

How to Increase Disk Space Size of the container in OpenVZ Date: 28-11-2020 Step 1: Check the list of all running containers by using the below command.#vzlist Step 2: Run the following command to increase the disk space. #vzctl set CTID –diskspace SoftLimit:HardLimit –save Note:- CTID — Container Id number.… Continue Reading How to Increase Disk Space Size of the container in OpenVZ

Date: 21-11-2020 Unblocking an IP Address in CSF To find whether an IP address is blocked, please follow below steps.Type ConfigServer Security & Firewall in the WHM search bar and go to that section. Next use the Search for IP button on the ConfigServer Security&Firewall page. Simply enter the IP… Continue Reading How to Manage the CSF Firewall in WHM/cPanel

How to add a new domain in the DirectAdmin panel Date: 21-11-2020 Step 1: Log in to the DirectAdmin control panel with username and password. http://IP address:2222Note:- IP address – Your server IP address. 2222 – DirectAdmin default port. Step 2: Click on Domain Setup from Your Account. Step 3: Click on Add Another… Continue Reading How to add a new domain in the DirectAdmin panel

How to enable/disable auto-updates in Plesk panel Date: 17-11-2020 Step 1: Log in to the Plesk panel interface. Step 2: Go to Tools & Settings and select Update Settings under the Plesk menu. Step 3: To enable or disable by using the following options. 1. Automatically install Plesk updates2. Automatically install updates… Continue Reading How to enable/disable auto-updates in Plesk panel

Please find the below steps in configuring the SMTP Gsuite relay service: 1) Disable 2 factor. You can check the below link to disable the 2factor. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en 2) Turn on Less secure apps. Please find the below link to turn on.https://myaccount.google.com/u/1/lesssecureapps 3) Sign-in to you google admin console using administrator… Continue Reading Mail Configuration using the SMTP Gsuite relay service

Follow the below steps to enable ACME challenge mkdir .well-known unde var/www/example.com(document root) mkdir acme-challenge under .well-known create file test.txt under acme-challenge goto /etc/nginx/sites-avaialble/example.com and add the below lines You can see the example below.

How to enable authentication for the Kibana dashboard using Apache webserver on Centos 7 Date: 07-11-2020 Introduction: Kibana is an open-source data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch. Monitoring, managing, and securing an Elastic Stack instance via the web interface. The Kibana dashboard is a collection of charts, graphs, metrics, searches, and… Continue Reading How to enable authentication for the Kibana dashboard using Apache webserver on Centos 7

How To Add DNS Record In AWS Lightsail Date : 24-10-2020 Step : 1 Login to your AWS account. Step : 2 Select lightsail option. Step : 3 Select networking option. Step : 4 Choose the domain you want to add DNS records. Step : 5 Click add record option.… Continue Reading How To Add DNS Record In AWS Lightsail