Basic Errors & Solutions For Python Beginners. Date Posted: 13-10-2018 In this article, we are going to discuss a basic errors and  its solution in python. This article will help the beginners to know about  the errors and  guide them to solve it. let us detailed below, 1.Indentation Errors: It generally… Continue Reading Basic Errors & Solutions For Python Beginners.

How to Backup OpenVZ containers (VM’s) using vzdump on Centos / RHEL Date Posted : 10-10-2018 OpenVZ is a linux based Kernel virtualization technology developed by SWSoft for its commercial product Virtuozzo.In this article we are going to learn about how to backup VM’s which are running under Hardware node.… Continue Reading How to Backup OpenVZ containers (VM’s) using vzdump on Centos / RHEL

Nagios Remote Host Monitoring Dated on :05/10/2018 On Remote Host Step 1: Install the compiler gcc,glibc yum install -y gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel make net-snmp openssl-devel Step 2: Add the user for the nagios using useradd nagios Note: If already exist skip this. Step 3: Add the password for… Continue Reading Nagios Remote Host Monitoring

Using AWS Command Line Interface[AWS-CLI] for accessing S3 bucket. DATE POSTED: 06-10-2018 This was  simple manual solution and temporary way for  automation of  sending all your required  files to a remote backup.Immediate ways  to uploading and downloading the files to S3  become very easy by using AWS -CLI. Thus,here are… Continue Reading Using AWS Command Line Interface[AWS-CLI] for accessing S3 bucket.

File transfer using Winscp Posted On : 04-10-2018 In this article we are going to explain how to transfer files from Windows Client machine to remote server.On account of files transfer from local windows client to remote, we’re using WinSCP plugin to perform the same. Introduction: WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy)… Continue Reading File transfer using Winscp

Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx Date posted: 05-oct-2018   In this article, we will see how to setup a Django web application on Ubuntu 16.04 server. We’ll use UWSGIservice to deploy our webapp along with Nginx. Requirements:- Python 3.6 Django 2.0.7 Nginx 1.10.3 Ubuntu 16.04 Install… Continue Reading Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx on Ubuntu

Insert data into database using codeigniter Date posted: 04-oct-2018 Please follow  the steps to insert data into database using codeigniter Step 1: Create a new file under the path Application/controllers/Insert.php.Copy the below given code in your view. <?php class Insert extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { //call CodeIgniter’s default… Continue Reading Insert data into database using codeigniter

Dated on  28/09/2018 Setup password authentication for Apache2 in Centos Step 1. Login to server using ssh. Step 2. To create the authentication of the apache2 it is necessary to have the apache2 on server. Check whether the server has already installed apache2 and check the version here we have… Continue Reading Setup password authentication for Apache2 in Centos

ANGULAR 2 INSTALLATION STEPS Step 1.Download the node and install on your local machine using this link Step 2. To install the Angular CLI: npm install -g @angular/cli Step 3. Check the version of node and npm that also use to check whether installed or not. Step 4. Generating… Continue Reading Angular 2 installation

How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Date posted: 28-sep-2018 Please follow  this steps to install the SSL certificate. Step 1: Install CertBot Type the given commands sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache   Step 2: Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Install Let’s Encrypt… Continue Reading How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL