You can check with the following command to see the opened/closed ports of a server: ======# nmap -P0 -T4 -sV -p- Server_IP_AddressStarting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2012-02-16 06:28 ISTConnect Scan Timing: About 90.53% done; ETC: 06:47 (0:01:47 remaining) Interesting ports on xxx.xxxx.xx (Server_IP_Address): Not shown: 65480 filtered ports,… Continue Reading Command to check the opened/closed ports in a server

Now a days we are getting more DDOS issues. In order to track down the actual site undergoing the attack, following commands will help you. Find the IP to which connections are established: # netstat -plan|grep :80|awk {‘print $4’}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1 This will give you IP… Continue Reading To troubleshoot DDOS

Script to check the load of all VPS from the main node: # for i in `vzlist |egrep -v ‘(VEID|CTID)’ |awk ‘{print $1}’`; do echo “For VEID $i (`vzctl exec $i hostname`) —>” ; vzctl exec $i w ; echo; doneInstead of “w” replace with the COMMANDS you need to… Continue Reading Script to check Virt VPS load (and other commands)

You can make use of the following script to generate a backup of all the databases and also restoring the DB from the available backup in cPanel owned by a particular user. ============= #!/bin/bash cd /var/lib/mysql ls -al | grep username | awk {‘print$9’} > dblist for i in `cat… Continue Reading Script to Make a backup of the current database and restore DB from the available backup of all the database owned by a particular user in cPanel

WordPress index page hacked by hackers. You need to replace the new index page in the current wordpress directory. May of my customers gave a complain that the wordpress index.php files are hacked by the hackers. They are placing their own logo or hack message in the wordpress. How can… Continue Reading WordPress index hacked page recovery

The WordPress website will not be loading fine. Check the following factors to resolve the issue. 1. If you are getting a database connection problem, then go to wp-config.php file and gather the information about the database settings and the database user login details. Cross check whether the login credentials… Continue Reading Common issues with WordPress and their Fixes

WordPress index file. “index.php”. This file can be used if the index hacking has done in the wordpress.

In rare cases, the nameserver entries will be missing in your server. In such cases, you can do the following to add the nameservers in your server. 1. Add a DNS zone by adding the nameserver name. 2. Assign a A record for that nameserver. 3. From the SSH as… Continue Reading Adding nameservers to your server

You can create a catch-all email address in cPanel by following the below mentioned steps. Sign in to cPanel and follow these steps: 1) Click Default Address under Mail. 2) Select Forward to email address. 3) Enter your desired catch-all email address into the Forward to email address: box. 4)… Continue Reading How to Create a Catch-all email address in cPanel