Date Posted: 15-02-2018 In this post we will explain how to run react native android application  in emulator. Step 1: Install the android studio and create any virtual emulator and run the emulator. Step 2: We have assumed you already configured or created the application. Step 3: You need to … Continue Reading Running your react native android app on a emulator or virtual device

BCC to all emails in exim cPanel|Copy all outgoing emails on exim Date posted: 14-02-2018 In this post, we will explain how to keep all outgoing Emails to particular mail account. Note that the email box which we will be setup will receive all the mails irrespective of to address.… Continue Reading BCC to all emails in exim cPanel|Copy all outgoing emails on exim

Date Posted: 05-02-2018 In this post, we will explain how to install mcrypt for php  on mac os high sierra for a Development Server. Step 1:  Search the package: brew search mcrypt Result: ==> Searching local taps… homebrew/php/php71-mcrypt mcrypt homebrew/php/php53-mcrypt homebrew/php/php54-mcrypt homebrew/php/php55-mcrypt homebrew/php/php56-mcrypt homebrew/php/php70-mcrypt libtomcrypt Step 2: Search my php version to… Continue Reading Install mcrypt for php on macos high sierra for a Development Server

Date Posted: 22-12-2017 In this Post we will explain Total amount value with tax using php. Step 1: Create a new file name as index.php and paste the following code. <?php //The VAT rate. $vat =18; //Divisor (for our math). $vatDivisor = 1 + ($vat / 100); //The gross price, including… Continue Reading Total amount value with tax using php

Date Posted: 26-12-2017 In this Post we will explain convert the number to words in indian currency upto 10 crore. Step 1: Create new file name index.php and paste the following code. <?php /*Number format*/ function getIndianCurrencyToWords(float $number) { $decimal = round($number – ($no = floor($number)), 2) * 100; $hundred… Continue Reading Convert Number to Words in Indian currency format with paise value

Date Posted: 25-12-2017 In this post we will explain how to change site url in the new moved domain. Step 1: Open the wp-config.php and edit define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’); define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true); define(‘MULTISITE’, true); define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false); define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’); define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’); define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1); define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1); Step 2: Open mysql or phpmyadmin… Continue Reading Changing the Domain Name on WordPress Multi-site

Date Posted: 22-12-2017 In this Post we will explain how to setup multisite in wordpress. Step 1: Open wp-config file and find the copy-paste following code just above the “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging” comment. define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true); Step 2: Open the wp-admin in browser and goto tools->Network Setup and… Continue Reading WordPress Multisite Domain setup

Country based redirection on nginx behind load balancer|Geo Location Based redirection Date Posted: 19-12-2017 There are scenario where we want to setup country based redirection depends on visitor. In this post, we will explain on how to setup country based redirection on nginx which is behind load balancer. Assumption: Nginx… Continue Reading Country based redirection on nginx behind load balancer|Geo Location Based redirection

Posted Date:20-07-2017 In this post we will explain moving wordpress media to amazon cloudfront and S3. step 1: Install the following plugins on wordpress. step 2: To configure Amazon Web Services account here and create the new user in aws console. step 3: To create the aws s3 bucket… Continue Reading Moving WordPress Media To Amazon CloudFront and S3

Install nginx on cPanel server Date Posted: 15-11-2017 cPanel is the widely used control panel to manage webhosting and it comes with apache as a default webserver. Nginx is fast webserver when compared to apache webserver. In this tutorial, we will explain on how to install nginx on cpanel server.… Continue Reading Install nginx on cPanel server