Install SSL certificate for vestacp panel Date posted: 12-09-2017 Vestacp is an open source control panel and by default it listens on 8083. By default, vestacp uses self signed certificate. In this post, we will explain on how to install SSL certificate for vestacp panel. Prerequisites: Vesta cp panel access… Continue Reading Install SSL certificate for vestacp panel

Enable SNMP on Cisco Router Date Posted: 11-09-2017 In this post, we will explain on how to enable snmp on cisco router. Assumption: Cisco Router Implementation: This post assumes that we have root privilege of the router. Login as enable mode. You need to enter root credentials. enable Enter configure… Continue Reading Enable SNMP on Cisco Router

DNS Cluster Setup between cpanel servers Date Posted: 09-09-2017 cPanel is widely used control panel for managing webhosting.  This post deals on how to setup DNS cluster between cPanel servers.  This post assumes that we have two DNS only cPanel server and one cPanel webserver. cPanel DNS only server is… Continue Reading DNS Cluster Setup between cpanel servers

Configure multiple php on litespeed cPanel server Date posted: 04-09-2017 By default cPanel runs with apache webserver. Normally Easy apache 4 or Easy apache 4 will help on installing multiple php version.  In this post, we will explain on how to configure litespeed webserver to use multiple php version. Prerequisites:… Continue Reading Configure multiple php on litespeed cPanel server

Add Access Control Allow Origin Region(CORS) in NGINX? Date Posted: 31-08-2017 In this post, we will explain on how to allow cors (Cross Origin Region) on nginx. We may have seen the following on google chrome console or firefox firebug addon. No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is Prerequisites: Nginx Webserver.  If nginx… Continue Reading Allow Cross Origin Region(CORS) in NGINX

Block wordpress login attacks on csf Date Posted: 30-08-2017 csf is a firewall used to manage firewall rules in an easy way. By default, it blocks incorrect ssh login attempts, failed imap login. In this post, we will explain on how to block wordpress failure login on csf firewall. Prerequisites:… Continue Reading Block wordpress login attacks on csf

Limiting/throttling bandwidth for cPanel user account Date Posted: 29-08-2017 There are few accounts on cPanel uses more bandwidth. This post explains on how to throttle/limit the bandwidth on particular cPanel account Prerequisites: cPanel/WHM access Server Root Access bw_module, bwlimited_module. To check whether the module is installed or not, use the… Continue Reading Limiting/throttling bandwidth for cPanel user account

Modify virtualhost for single domain on cPanel(Apache 2.4) Date Posted: 27-08-2017 Latest cPanel comes with apache 2.4 and if we want to edit particular domain virtualhost, this post explain on how to modify virtualhost for single domain. Prerequisites: Centos 7 cPanel/WHM installation. Server root ssh access. Implementation: Login to the… Continue Reading Modify virtualhost for single domain on cPanel(Apache 2.4)

Posted Date:26-08-2017 In this post we will explain how to create cash receipts denominations using php,jquery Step 1: Include jQuery  Plugin and css <source src=”” integrity=”sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=” crossorigin=”anonymous”></source> <source type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf8″ src=””></source> Step 2:Include following css code inside head tag .mul_by{ width: 10%; } .mul_by .form-control{ display: inline-block; width: 66%; padding:… Continue Reading cash receipts denominations using php,jquery

Posted Date:26-08-2017 In this post we will explain eval and  Dynamic IF statements  using php Eval: eval — Evaluate a string as PHP code. Php code must be properly terminated using a semicolon. A return statement will immediately terminate the evaluation of the code. Syntax: eval(phpcode) Example: Simple example of eval php using simple… Continue Reading Dynamic IF statements using php