Posted Date:26-08-2017 In this post we will explain how to create cash receipts denominations using php,jquery Step 1: Include jQuery  Plugin and css <source src=”” integrity=”sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=” crossorigin=”anonymous”></source> <source type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf8″ src=””></source> Step 2:Include following css code inside head tag .mul_by{ width: 10%; } .mul_by .form-control{ display: inline-block; width: 66%; padding:… Continue Reading cash receipts denominations using php,jquery

Posted Date:26-08-2017 In this post we will explain eval and  Dynamic IF statements  using php Eval: eval — Evaluate a string as PHP code. Php code must be properly terminated using a semicolon. A return statement will immediately terminate the evaluation of the code. Syntax: eval(phpcode) Example: Simple example of eval php using simple… Continue Reading Dynamic IF statements using php

Setup redirection using Proxypass, proxyreversepass on apache Date Posted: 24-08-2017 There are scenarios like we would like to forward the request to different domain or different port. However, the URL on the browser should remain the same. In this post, we will explain on how to setup redirection using proxypass.… Continue Reading Setup redirection using Proxypass, proxyreversepass on apache

Setup redirection from one domain to another domain on .htaccess Date Posted: 24-08-2017 Scenario: There are scenarios like where we want to redirect onedomain to another domain. We can use .htaccess to achieve the same. Prerequisites: Ubuntu or centos Server Apache 2.4 or apache 2.2 Rewrite module. You can verify… Continue Reading Setup redirection from one domain to another domain on .htaccess

ConfigServer Mail Manage(cmm) on cPanel/WHM server Date Posted: 23-08-2017 Configserver mail manage(cmm) is an interface to manage mail accounts within WHM itself. This is free and it can be integrated easily to WHM. Prerequisites: cPanel/WHM access Server SSH access Implementation: Login to the server as root. Change the directory to… Continue Reading ConfigServer Mail Manage(cmm) on cPanel/WHM server

ConfigServer Mail Queues(cmq) on cPanel/WHM server Date Posted: 23-08-2017 Configserver Mail queue(cmq) is an interface to manage exim mail queue from WHM/cPanel. This is free and it can be integrated easily to WHM. Prerequisites: cPanel/WHM access Server SSH access Implementation: Login to the server as root. Change the directory to… Continue Reading ConfigServer Mail Queues(cmq) on cPanel/WHM server

SSH setup in a newly installed Ubuntu 16.04.2 server Secure Shell(SSH) is a protocol used to login securely from a remote host to other over a unsecured network. The password will be Encrypted when trying to login to a remote host. Prerequisites: We have a newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2… Continue Reading SSH setup in a newly installed Ubuntu 16.04.2 server

Enable Root login in newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2: This post is to guide you on how to enable root user or root login in a newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 . Prerequisites: Installed a new Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Already a local user name created without admin rights. Implementation: Consider… Continue Reading Enable Root login in newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2

How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2: A server admin or an user can disable ping or icmp replies from a server for the following reasons, Security reason. Avoid network congestion. Avoid network flood using ping hostname -f Prerequisites: Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Implementation: Follow the… Continue Reading How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2

How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Temporarily: A server admin or an user can disable ping or icmp replies from a server for the following reasons, Security. Avoid network congestion. Avoid network flood using ping hostname -f Prerequisites: Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Implementation: Follow the… Continue Reading How to disable PING or ICMP replies from a Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 Temporarily